I can now say...

That I have seen THE worst *beep* movie of all time. I saw it last night, it was my friends b-day and he rented a buch of movies that he thought we could just watch and laugh at, but this movie was terrible. We only found out one character's name (Ted/Ned?) then he gets killed 5 mins after we meet him. Then all the main characters get killed in the first 2 mins of the movie... that movie flat-out sucked.

And who wants to see caveman sex?? lol



this is deffinatly not the worst movie ever made.

that title goes to Terror Toons


What got me was the cave woman with perfectly shaved legs... still you gotta laugh... but its not bad enough for that, just plain bad


But the last part is the best part! D:


Reminds me of the 'classic' cave people movies of the 50's and 60's where everyone had perfect teeth and perfect hair and were shaved and everything.

Like the old joke about the movies said in Ancient Rome where they all had 50's hair styles and were wearing wristwatches. :)



Yeah, I think this ranks as one of the top three worst movies I've ever seen.


Terror Toons is not on imdb so can't win lol.

this is definitely the worst. i'm normally not even picky which you should be able to figure out by the fact that I watched the whole movie (albeit I was doing laundry). horrible. in every aspect.
