why do white people

why do white people hate to see anyone other than them sleves succeed in anything a lot of poster on this board are talking about blck people this black people that its a movie made by blacks and i do not belive that it was made to appeal to white audiences now if i sad forrest gump was a crummy movie i am sure i would get slam as hard as those of you slammed this movie so to all you causians this movie was not made to appeal to you as some of the movies made today does not appeal to african americans or even latin americans i appreciate your dignified comments

btw i am a white woman



I don't think you’re white. I think your black person just whining about how life is just not fair for blacks in America. If a white person criticizes a successful black person, we are labeled a racist. It's Caucasian not causian a white person would no how to spell that. More white people voted for Barack than black people voted for Hilary so who as a race is more racist? BLACKS


He's not white because he misspelled a word? Quit with the ignorance and just stick the movies. You proved his point.


Disagreeing with something, someone, or a particular view does not make you a racist. It simply means you disagree period.

Sure I feel that black people flipping out on white people because they don't like a movie with an all black cast is out of line. But I also believe that it's because white people cannot relate to black culture, just like black people don't relate to white culture.

It's about opening your mind and your hearts to put away all of the BS of race that has plagued this great Nation for generations. We're all people, we're all American (All people at least, since not everyone that's on these boards are American...sorry friends) so why not just leave it at that? Stop being so sensitive.

Does my race really matter?

Am I Insane? YES!!


I was thinking this movie was as much about southern culture as black culture. Just because someone is white doesn't mean they do not understand black culture. We in the south are usually into each other's culture, I do believe that is more of a southern thing.
People think the south is racist, but we generally get along here between racial lines more than anyone else in the country or the world for that matter. Come on down and see for yourself before you make an assumption. Today is now, yesterday is gone.



I agree, it seems to be southern culture, whether black or white, because white people do the same thing in the south with family reunions, etc.


shut the fvck up with your ''cant we all just get along'' BS. how about white cops stop killing black people.

''Does my race really matter?'' this isn't about you mayo jar

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


And as a human you should "know" how to spell. Haha, for crying out loud people, stop attacking each other!!


It's Caucasian not causian a white person would no how to spell that.
Is this the pot calling the kettle black?


Well, I sort of see what you're saying, only problem is, I don't like that you're speaking for all white people, I'm white and LOVED this movie, I'm a huge fan of Martin Cedric and Mo...So please don't speak for everyone...


I think this is ridiculous. If you make it a black or white issue then it will be. I am a white 39 year old woman who laughed and loved this movie along with my husband who also happens to be white. We are fans of most of the people who stared in this movie.

We are also huge fans of Tyler Perry, love his movies, when watching a movie, it's not color we see but the story line. If a movie is good, it shouldn't matter if it's white actors or black actors.

I think we should work together in trying to solve the problems of today's society instead of always trying to turn every thing into about color.


You know what's cool?


And capitalization.

Try using it sometime.

"Long Live The Car Crash Hearts"

-Fall Out Boy


I agree punctuation is way cool !!!


Why does a black judge and a black commissioner demand for an apology and draw the racism card when a white person uses the scientific term "Black Hole" as a metaphor. Ignorant much?

Let's face it this movie was bad to the MAJORITY of people. I've seen a few posts by blacks that didnt like this movie.



Im "white" and i enjoyed the movie...... why would you even bring *beep* like this up wannawanna64? Your *beep* stupid in the first place and what nationality or race you are has nothing to do with your personal taste.



Why is your post one long, continuous sentence?
