MovieChat Forums > Eagle vs Shark (2007) Discussion > Anyone else think this type of humor is ...

Anyone else think this type of humor is now dated?

It just seems like the whole "awkward, coming of age indie" humor has run dry. Studios are greenlighting projects like Eagle vs Shark & Flight of the Conchords for their style, rather than the actual substance. But so much about that style, even down to the pencil-drawn advertising graphics, has been overdone. Nothing about it seems new or unique. Just marketing ploys for the sake of being hip.

Am I the only one who feels this way?


I do and I'm glad someone else pointed it out. It's rather aggravating. Though Flight of the Conchords is funny.

Prepare to meet Kali... in hell!



Yeah and you should wrote it in here cynthia instead of starting a new thread. Taking up room with badness hahaha


This just means that the film makers are going to have to be more innovative with the genre. As long as they bring new aspects to it, it'll be fine.




What genre are you talking about exactly? and can you give some examples of similar films in this genre? I have not seen many show or acts like Flight of the Conchords and don't know what you are talking about??


napoleon dynamite, garden state, eagle vs. shark.. behh this is all i can come up with


Not much of a list there.


exactly... i'm on noone's side here, but maybe something like this shouldn't be done but a few times? why kill it? (or flog a dead horse?)

that being said.

i really wanna see this movie, anyways ^_^


yea 3 movies in this sub genre is hardly flogging it

flight of the conchords have been round longer than any of those movies listed there so you can hardly say that they ar'nt original. its just now the've translated they very funny comedy into a tv series which is just as good if not better

i knew Americans would not appreciate the flight of the conchords.
i guess Americans have their own tastes and humour from overseas doesn't translate that well over there. o well your loss.


IMHO, I think you have to be very careful when you say that a particular genre has "been done".

Depending on how broadly you define your categories, EVERYTHING has "been done".
Even if a premise has been done before, if a filmmaker does it WELL, then it's worth it to see the movie.

Have I seen movies LIKE "Eagle vs. Shark"?
Have I seen many movies like "Eagle vs. Shark" that were BETTER?
Not many. The movie was damn funny.

I'd be very wary of writing off entire genres. Too many great films have been made in genres that people thought were done to death.

"Beaver? You mean, vagina?"


I agree that 3 movies isnt exactly overwhelming. I mean if you look at the beefcake action movie genre, or the generic romantic comedy, or the crass boobs/farts filled teen comedies those have been done hundreds of times and (unfortunatly) are still going strong!
BTW I am American and not only do I apreciate flight of the conchords, I ADORE it!!! and so does my also-american friends who introduced me too it.


Juno did a pretty good job of putting in some new things.


Yes I agree. Rather than intellegant indie comedies, we should be spoonfed more generic romantic comedies, big budget actions films, and other long dead genres...


I agree with spanktheprimate completely here

How can yu say this genre is dated, when it's merely a few years old.

How can yu say it's all marketing ploys, when there have been more james bond films than intelligent indie comedies (well, popular ones anyway) I mean, how can one gerne be dated when there has been more films about 1 character!

These films are a welcome break from the total junk hollywood comes out non stop


i think its a phase that started with wes anderson. Bottle Rocket is the earliest film that i know of to have the sort of symmetrical shot framing and dry awkward humor. I love a most of them although i dont like how my a lot of kids in my generation hate life aquatic or ryoal tenenbaums and love garden state and Little miss sunshine. i mean come on people, wes anderson pretty much invented that genre. Okay, actually if you want to push it a little, it sort of started with the graduate. Several elements of these movies are in the graduate but just more fine tuned. But this sort of odd ball comedy is just a phase. We are also going through a intertwining story phase now as well(Traffic, Babel, City of God, Crash and lots of others.) i mean in the late seventies early eighties there was the dark cinematography techno music futuristic phase that had the warriors and escape from new york. Im not saying these movies are bad, im just saying its like making an action movie with fast cuts and shaky camera, its just how you do it. I think the phase will pass but lets hope it does just casue there is a movie that ends it cause it respectfully closes the book on the genre, not because it kills it.



"awkward, coming of age indie"
I do agree with this description in regards to Eagle Vs Shark .
But FOTC is something else entirely.


I agree about the whole style issue, with pencil-drawn graphics and those stop-motion sequences. This really came to my attention in Juno with the beginning credits. However, I don't think the awkward sense of humor will really go anywhere as long as it keeps being approached differently. The good thing about people being painfully weird and uncomfortable is that it's really hard to completely reuse a gag, unlike the slapstick crotch-shots and running into sliding glass doors in other comedies. But I say all this being a huge fan of this movie, Napoleon Dynamite, and the like.
