I love the movie but...

Were the characters actually supposed to be retarded? I'm not being mean, I really loved it- but these characters were very obviously supposed to be mentally damaged. I get that "Jarrod" was emotionally *beep* up- because of the suicide and other reasons, but it seemed like that- the way the girl was living with her brother (who looks after her as if she were a child) and how she acts like she is either a) high, or b) disabled.

I'm getting the feeling that this is one of those movies that has an underlying layer that is overlooked by a lot of the public in films: PLUR...
Did you notice how she let out stress? By getting in a human-sized hamster wheel, and *rolling*?

I dunno, maybe it's just because my visit to NZ and Australia found me ensconced with those kinda people. It's not so big in the US (not as big, at least), but it seemed to be all over the place over there.

-Everybody! Get this! Did you hear this thing about Scientology? Turns out it's bad...


I think you're reading too much into what is supposed to be a goofy comedy.

This movie made the Lily character so darned sweet and likable, that it starts to feel like a drama, and you feel bad for her, when you should be laughing.

I personally loved how, whenever you thought Jarod was going to turn into a sweet guy, just the opposite happened. I found this film really funny. But those that got too invested in the Lily character ended up feeling bad for her, and wondering why she'd chase a loser like Jarod.

In the end, this is a story about nerd love. Other than the guy who was supposed to be an awesome computer hacker, I didn't think all the characters came across as "retarded". Just geeky.

“I always tell the truth…even when I lie” - Scarface


The comedy is used to make the story watchable. Don’t forget that comedy is an incredibly powerful tool. Next time you laugh at something ask yourself why and at exactly what am I laughing? Sometimes you’ll be in awe of the answer.

The film is a caricature. The characters are larger than life. There is many deeper themes than the surface of this movie unlike “loser” or “ Napoleon Dynamite”. The power of emotion, normalcy, loss and death, love, gain, generosity, pain, acceptance, tolerance and many more. The characters aren’t supposed to be retarded at all. Lily is simple sure but she strong and pure as well. Jarrod’s family aren’t retarded just a little “backwards” isn’t really the right word but it’ll do. They live in the middle of nowhere and they aren’t “high-class” or “sophisticated” or “cultured” which are all subjective terms anyway. The actual characters are kind of irrelevant in a way as they merely serve to demonstrate the point of the story but they are a caricature of New Zealand I think. The apple cores mirror the story and represent Lily and Jarrod. The issues that affect the characters are the issues that affect all of us the world over and the solution is the same the world over. Also even in the smallest, simplest, most overlooked person can you find what you’ve always been looking for.


Are you saying that the underlying theme is ecstasy?

Death must be a nice place, no one comes back.


They are supposed to be stuck in a sort of teenage mentality, if that helps. As an exaggeration. It's like Taika's created this world for these characters, and it is self-contained and isn't meant to be compared to the real world in that way. Within itself, they are all "normal" (well, what is normal, anyway?).

"What you just said, that should be a line. Write that down as a line. ...Period."


They aren't retarded. These characters are socially awkward, which leads to isolation. Isolation leads to eccentric behavior, which increases social awkwardness. It's a downward spiral.

Obviously, you're not a nerd if you can't understand the complex nature of these characters.

Me? I totally connected with them. And I freely admit that I'm socially awkward, even among nerds.

I crush your head!


That gets a big hell yeah from me Indie_rachael.

Am I doing it right?


They aren't retarded. These characters are socially awkward, which leads to isolation. Isolation leads to eccentric behavior, which increases social awkwardness. It's a downward spiral.

Obviously, you're not a nerd if you can't understand the complex nature of these characters.

Me? I totally connected with them. And I freely admit that I'm socially awkward, even among nerds.

I crush your head!

That was well said. I couldn't agree more!


They're not retarded or high lets just get that straight.

Mac n cheese had it right. These characters are just grown up teens. Jarrod shows off all the time, has huge mood swings and an undeserved ego. Not to mention a complete lack of responsibility. Lily is shy, nervous and very nieve. Jarrod works at a game store, Lily in fast food (jobs teenagers have). The part of the film where Jarrod attacks the guy in the wheelchair says it all. The ex-bully says "that was such a long time ago" because he's grown up. Jarrod just can't get over it because he's still stuck in that mentality.


I think the theme is that most characters in the story have some emotional/mental issues they have to deal with and they sort of come to terms with them with the help of others.
