New Zealand

Is this movie at all representative of New Zealanders? After watching this movie I got the impression that everyone in the country is just a few bricks short of a full load.

It was like none of the characters was living in the real world and even simple social interactions were beyond them.

I found no sympathy for any of the characters and didn't really care how the movie turned out.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Yes NZ is exactly like this....

And after watching Finding Nemo I realised that all fish could actually talk.

No New Zealanders are not like this! They are normal! This is a comedy movie! s/1-3.jpg


Fish can talk?!? Whoa!

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


No, this is more like the rural parts of New Zealand, particular down south. If you're in a city like Auckland, it's definitely not like that. Even the people in the movie has stronger accent. But life in NZ is generally laid back with beautiful scenaries - but my life is not THAT laid back!

Damn, makes me miss home.


yes auckland is like that


NZ'ers have more bricks in their load than Americans

"Gotta get down fo my grind"


Lmao. What an idiotic assumption, OP.

They were looking at me....with their eyes!


Is this movie at all representative of New Zealanders?

No more than Napoleon Dynamite is representative of all Americans.

People like this exist though, certainly, but in this instance the characters are clearly an exaggeration



Just got back from a visit to NZ and was very impressed by how friendly, humble, and polite Kiwis are. Considering the number of incredible artists this country has spawned, I'd have to believe they are a brilliant breed of people. With my kind of humour. I only wished I'd have met some of the interesting types from this film. All loveable in their own way. But it is ultimately, a film - & a comic gem at that. As curious as Lily and Jarrod are, they're more real than a lot of cinematic creations PLUS not even a fraction as bizarre or one-dimensional as some of the losers we see in American-made films. (Avatar, I'm looking right at you. Talk about a hot mess of a planet or two!)


That's because you're a tourist spending money :) Tell them you're moving down here and see what happens...

But, no, other than being shocking at spelling, Kiwis are not much different than people anyone else in the world.

PS, I loved the movie too, it's a rare gem.



they suck at spelling? i think that might be a bit of a blanket statement lol. a lot of americans suck at spelling, too.


You're aware that this is a comedy, right?

That's kind of an absurd conclusion to come to, considering the movie is obviously very stylized and the humor is supposed to be quirky and awkward. That's what's supposed to be appealing about it; it's a glimpse into the life of two socially inept people and their equally oddball friends and family. You're supposed to find their interactions humorous while at the same time feel empathy for them, especially Lily.

Contrary to your opinion, I think the characters are very true-to-life and easy to relate to. Where on Earth is it possible to live your life without ever encountering people like this? Everyone knows a Lily or Jarrod, a Nancy, or a Damon.

The fact that it takes place in New Zealand is completely irrelevant. This could have been shot in any developed country in the world without making any particular statement about the culture.
