MovieChat Forums > Wanted (2008) Discussion > 6.8????? U cant be serious man......

6.8????? U cant be serious man......

This movie had a great script.
It was very well directed.
It was entertaining from the first minute itself & gets even better as it progresses.
The characterization was extremely brilliant.
And It was also nominated for 2 oscars.
Also, the action sequences were outstanding.
What else do you want???
It deserved at least an 8.0


great script?

here is the plot, lets kill people because a magical cloth told us too, also we can somehow bend bullets even though that is physically impossible, oh and we can get beat nearly to death but its nothing a little ice cant fix. These are just some of the plot points that made this film incredibly stupid and unbelievable. I mean i don't expect a film to be 100% plausible but this film was 0% plausible. Even the ending bullet sequence was beyond stupid. What is this a music video for Korn? The acting was ok though, not great but not terrible. probably the best part of the movie.


People kill because of something that was written on a piece of paper, thousands of years ago.
A man can turn water to wine because his mother asks him to.
The same man brought the dead back to life simply to prove a point.

Illogical? Yes. But people believe it nonetheless. I'm not saying people believe what happens in this movie, the way that you're implying. On the contrary, the movie is very fantastic (and I mean that in the imaginative definition). But that's why people like it.

If we watched movies because of their realism, some of the greatest movies to ever be introduced to film in history would have never been created.

There are movies with dragons, vampires, werewolves, demons, angels, mermaids, and a whole assortment of mythological creatures. But you come to complain about a bit of hollywood SFX and say how implausible it is?


Woah, *beep* is getting real.


Wow way to try and use a bible analogy when it doesn't apply. The problem isn't that it is implausible the problem with this movie is that it is so implausible that the plot is just stupid. It defies the suspension of disbelief.


Wow, way to ignore the entire point of my comment to simply flaunt your own lack of understanding.
'The problem isn't that the movie's implausible... it's that it's implausible'. Really? Great argument ya got there, how could I ever think otherwise with /that/ sort of logic? How people can disagree with you is beyond me. :|

The movie's eccentric, it's exaggerated, it's not MEANT to be believed. To tell the truth, if someone went into this movie thinking any of the stuff in it was possible, then I'd say that person isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. It's the same exact thing with movies like Kill Bill, Inglorious Bastards and numerous others.

It's not a great movie, it doesn't deserve an oscar or anything like that, but it was entertaining. You know, it's sometimes fun to take away the basic laws of science just to see what would happen, and this movie explores that, however slightly. If you can't calm yourself down enough to watch a movie that's not trying to be realistic, and then choose to waste your time fuming your dislike of it, then I just feel plain sorry for you, but that is entirely your choice.


Kill bill was a great movie this movie was trash. Kill Bill had great plot elements. And you are confusing being realistic with suspension of disbelief they are not the same thing at all. In Kill Bill the story allows us to believe that this 100 lb woman can kick everyone's ass with a ninja sword is it realistic? No, but it is within the context of the movie. Curving bullets is simply unbelievable within this story, and comes off as stupid. This board is filled with hundreds of posts that confirm this. Go on the Kill Bill board and you wont see anyone post that the story was too unbelievable. That is because it is within the suspension of disbelief. I think you should really look this term up as you obviously have no concept of what it means. Being believable within the real world and being believable within the world of the story are two completely different things.


Oh, and once again, you take one point out and completely disregard the entire rest of my post.
I agree with you, Kill Bill is a much better movie, and you fall into the story, the plot, and the world much easier than Wanted but...

For the third time, and let me spell this out for you because I very much hope the third time is the charm:
This movie is not meant to be believable.

And I don't think you completely understand your own favorite phrase there... because in the context of the story, curving bullets is completely realistic. In the context of the world the movie is set in? Not so much.

The 'suspension of disbelief' really has nothing to do with it because the movie isn't /trying/ to be believable in the first place. Let me say again: If you go into this movie thinking that 'oh, yeah, I believe it is completely possible for someone to bend bullets...' then you are not the brightest bulb. The movie revolves around our world, and we know virtually everything about our world. To expect a movie to create fantastic elements in a world we already know the laws of, and for it to come across as believable, is entirely unrealistic, and unbelievable in itself.

Yes, maybe it would have made the movie a bit better if the writers infused a human interest and a semblance of truth into a fantastic tale, but they didn't. And there's really no way that's going to change. It's done, it's over, pack up and move on.

No matter how many times you watch this movie, it will be the same exact movie as when you watched it the first time. Honestly, when I watched this movie the first time, I thought it was crap. But then I watched it a second time with far lower expectations and I thought 'meh, it's okay.'

It has a semblance of a plot, it has characters you actually, somewhat, care about, portrayed by actors who actually know how to act when they put a bit of effort into it, and it has action sequences that are visually appealing, which is A LOT more than many other actions movies today can say, movies that have much higher ratings on imdb than Wanted.

It's an entertaining movie, and it isn't trying to be anything more than that. It's a simple action movie that happens to be based off a comic. The difference between this movie and dribble like 'The Expendables' is that, again, this movie actually has actors who can act if they so choose to, action sequences that are visually appealing, and a plot line that goes a bit farther than just killing people for the sake of killing.

But now you're going to explain why The Expendables is twice as good as this movie, for the very reason that it remains within the suspension of disbelief, and for no other reason than that? Am I right?

This movie isn't as good as Kill Bill, and no matter how many times you watch it, it never will be. This movie isn't as good as Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, The Dark Knight, or a number of other action movie renditions of comic books that were released in 2008. But it's not /trying to be/. If you can't understand that, then no, you won't like this movie, and you will possibly loathe this movie with as much passion as you, apparently, loathe it. That is entirely up to you, and I can't change that. But there are action movies out there that this movie is very much better than, for reasons that outweigh 'the suspension of disbelief'.


You keep saying he missed your post to make yourself sound smarter or more complex, but he responds to your posts pretty appropriately.

The religious post was inappropriate.

All you had to say to make your point was that Lord of the Rings, Inception, Star Wars, and the first Matrix were all pretty good movies that are totally unrealistic, and your point would be made; and your original point completely has to do with being able to suspend your disbelief.


Good fantasy movies require a willing suspension of disbelief. This movie shatters the illusion by abandoning basic physics and ballistics, thus suspension of disbelief is impossible for anyone with even a basic understanding of the two.

Of course, someone willing to suspend disbelief under such circumstances isn't going to be swayed by reason.


If you are unable to forgive the small detail of a bendy bullet and suspend disbelief, you are the one with the problem. Your failure to suspend disbelief does not make the film crap.

The way some people talk on this thread it's like they have a corkscrew shaped bullet lodged up their arse or something.


wtf are you talking about? bullet CAN bend, a simple blow of wind will alter the course of the bullet. Plus there are already man made bullets, that can curve, google "Sandia's self-guided bullet". So maybe in the movie, this bullet is activated by a wrist swing or whatever, it's a god damn sci-fi movie.


I hated Kill Bill, and really liked your opinions are not fact.

These are my opinions.


Go get some rest, spazzout0138 just owned you.

No Raylan, I'm gonna bet my life on you being the only friend I have left in this world.


He's not saying "the story isn't implausible, it's implausible." He's saying the movie isn't presented well enough to allow the viewer to suspend their disbelief so that the story makes sense and the viewer cares about the characters. Also, the Expendables is one of the worst movies ever made. Stop using it as an example, please.


I largely agree with you, but I would have compared it to something like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, or any other movie which exaggerates the action to the point of disbelief in order to elevate the characters to a more fantastic level. Any superhero movie does likewise, and yet, because that's a genre we're so accepting of, we completely disregard the absurdities of it.

If only this movie, like X-men, Spiderman, Superman, or Watchmen, were based on a comic book, I think more people would accept it.

Oh wait... IT WAS! :)



The bible reference had a certain logic, and for someone to disapprove of bending bullets in a superhero film yet marvel at and the Matrix or Superman makes no sense. This was a decent movie. I have nothing more to say.


it's a flippin movie, if your sitting through movies saying 'well that just isnt real because i say so' then your watching movie's for the wrong reasons. Do you watch films like 'Superman' and then after say that movie was stupid because he doesn't exist?
Wanted is made to entertain you which it delivers on and with the 'bullet bending' it'd unique.


Movies have premises. They are set in a universe with certain rules, within which the movie has to make sense.

Basically this movie is just a bunch of crazy dudes, going around killing people, while defying the laws of physics. That's ok, but in my opinion there's just nothing in it, to make it really interesting.

It's not really relevant though. Whether movies are realistic or not, or whether it's for a good reason or not, really doesn't matter. All that matters, is whether people enjoyed watching it. If people had a good experience, then it's a good movie. If not, then it's not. It's a personal opinion, and there's no absolute right or wrong.


Why bring religion into it. Dumb bitch


thank you, this is the worst film i have seen since house of the dead (and probably worst). the best (2) word is indeed " beyond stupid", only the acting was decent (mc avoy, jolie was inexistant, plus he got xmen coming out which should be decent at least).
8.0 ??? i give it 2


That's one more than I gave it. Would've been 2 more if I had the option.


i loved wanted and saw it as a story of Wesley starting out as a loser working a Job he hates. to Wesley becomeing a top assassin with Fox,es help. the ending was great wesley killing Sloane then Wes looking into the camera "what the fuvck have you done lately"

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest directors today


lol the acting and dialogue written for most characters is what made me cringe the most, I can watch movies with ridiculous plots especially supernatural(superhuman?) movies.


A movie based off a graphic novel or comic shouldn't need to rely on realism. Look at Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Whenever something weird happened in that movie it was just shrugged off because it was a part of that crazy universe. All the bullet bending and superhuman abilities was just a part of this movie's universe. There are rules, yes they don't always make sense, but it's a comic book movie. *beep* reality!


The Scott Pilgrim movie is a fantasy from start to end. Wanted is not like that, you have to watch the movie again.


The film is derived from a fantasy picture book. It's not supposed to be seen as a literal story. It's a brutal
fairy tale, with nearly impossible characters doing unlikely, mostly impossible things. The rules of physics are discarded. Impossibilities reign. tgrdavid somehow missed these obvious points. If you read the Grimm Fairy Tales, Aesop's Fables, The Wizard of Oz, the books of Franz Kafka, Peter Pan, etc. you'll need to suspend belief to enjoy them. If you'd like more strange fiction such as this read police reports, CIA and FBI statements, Main Stream Media, and so on. We live in a Barnum
and Bailey world, just as phony as it can be.


You must hate all sci-fi movies then, nearly all sci-fi movies contain something that is currently physically impossible/non-existent.


ares7714 -- thanks so much for the reality check.

I tend to go too much with the crowd and reviewers sometimes; so I was giving the cumulative opinions of those 120,000 voters and how much the critics killed this flick too much weight.

That I was buying into that 6.8 is a blight on my insecurity. But now, thanks to you, I know that it deserved at least an 8.0. I'll make that my personal score for the movie going forward.

Any chance we can get the Academy to reconsider the vote for 2008 best picture?


I rate this movie 7.7/10 i understand the hatred tho...but come on guys,it is just a movie and it was enjoyable..could have been better yes...


In Kill Bill, the Bride had a motive that I found quite satisfying. The people she wanted dead had killed her daughter and husband to be, and tried to kill her. She wanted revenge and the audience wants her to get it.

In Wanted, our protagonist takes on a career as a professional murderer because ... he's bored. I just can't get behind that. Worse yet, he's STUPID. It was obvious to me he was being fed a line of *beep* within the first 15 minutes of the movie, but he doesn't figure it out until the end. If you want me to like an action movie, please give me a character I can actually like, not a feckless moron.


Not sure where the OP's "8" came from. Movies rated an "8" are almost almost around the Top 250 terrority which this movie is not. Since 6.5 - 7.0 is average to above average I would tend to think this movie has a favorable score.

Plus, the plot is ridiculous.

reply far as the Oscarnominations go,it wasn´t exactly for best supporting actor and best screenplay...and if Oscarnominations guaranteed a high IMDB rating then Pearl Harbour and its 4 noms should have about 8.5(Although I think it deserves better then it´s 5.3.)

But I rewatched Wanted yesterday and I would give it a 7.7 out of 10. Wouldn´t say the script on paper is excellent but the execution is.The director has made a very original,humorous,fast-paced,bloody,visually stunning movie and I really like it.

Freeman is as usually portraying...Morgan Freeman. Jolie is hot and boring..and James McAvoy is pure gold.He is awesome,especially the way he handles the funny parts and the transformation from geeky accontant to coldblooded killer...he pulls it off. Wanted deserves a higher rating,especially concidering Harry Potter films ratings...but hey,Cop Land only has 6.9.Just one example. Don´t feel too bad.


A 6.8 on IMDb is a god like accomplishment. Seriously. Thousands of people vote and thousands of people have wildly different tastes. Of course there's a majority that will vote it lower, and if it has an 8 it'll probably be in the top 250. How many are there with a 9+ on this website? 3.


I expected this movie to have a rating of around 5.0


yeah me too. I give it like a 5.5 which is a little bit better than "ok". I mean, it offers nothing new. Nothing interesting that had made the comic it was based from interesting. The actors are all "stars", thus degrading any real art. Common?

Angelina Jolie? Not much better than the quality of Tomb Raider. Angelina Jolie is a freaking star she is not an actress.

Morgan Freeman? Frankly I didn't believe any of those people were assassins.

The movie is something I may have enjoyed a lot more if I was only 15 and hadn't seen Fight Club. SO anyway, a 5.5.


6.8 is more than generous for this piece of garbage. Perhaps 1.8 would do it.


should be 10 all the way


should be 10 all the way
Ahhhhh.....OK, to each his own.


I was surprise this movie ha even a 6.8 score. I was expecting to see a 4 or maximum 5 on imdb based on how bad it was.


Agreed. Comes off as extremely fake and try-hard. I hated it.


Agreed. Comes off as extremely fake

-Haha well the movie wasn't a documentary, so yes, it came off as fake. Probably because it is. Just a guess...

"You're the most highly intelligent person that no one has every achieved"- user PreciousGotFatAgain


Fake as in unoriginal and derivative rather than as make believe.


Hahaha OK, you meant fake as in unoriginal, which is not a definition of the word, sure. Nobody has ever said fake to mean derivative, it's not an interchangeable synonym. I would assume & hope you're smart enough to know that.

Nice attempt at backtracking but nobody is gonna buy that nonsense. Good try though...

"You're the most highly intelligent person that no one has every achieved"- user PreciousGotFatAgain


fake 1 |feɪk|
not genuine; imitation or counterfeit

i.e. Unorginal and derivative


I think 6.8 is reasonable. It does not deserve an 8 though!

I haven't read the comic book and I haven't watched the movie repeatedly, scrutinizing every scene.

I never knew it was based on a comic until I read the F&Q's, there's nothing really 'comicy' about it. After watching it my opinion was: it's your typical clichéd multimillion dollar Hollywood A-List packed action flick... but with extra cheese!

It worked though, it was a fast paced action movie with a good story line, a satisfying ending and a great score.

*looks down the camera lens*
"What the *beep* have you done lately?"

Best closing line of 2008.
