MovieChat Forums > The Skeptic (2010) Discussion > Best movie of this type since 'The Orpha...

Best movie of this type since 'The Orphanage'


I love ghost stories that are really studies in melancholy, and this one has a lineage going back through "The Haunting" to "The Spiral Staircase". I've enjoyed the various postings that either revile the ending as vague and unclear or those that find it sweetly redemptive. It's telling that movies have conditioned people to expect them wrapped up neatly with a bow (and they all lived happily ever after). It's also telling that when faced with an ambiguous ending most people, whether they think he lived or died, interpret the denouement as spritually uplifting (and they all lived happily ever after, in this world or the next). My interpretation is that of a chronic depressive. Yes, the garden was sunlit and pretty, but I saw only shame and regret on the face of the mother. She didn't look him in the eye, but rather looked askance. He moved hesitantly toward his mother, with no joy or forgiveness in his face. They don't embrace. Her turning his head to the closet to release him from it was releasing him from the emotional prison that was his life. He's joined her to walk that cursed house for eternity. I felt the ending was the visual equivalent of the narration at the end of "The Haunting": "Silence lies steadily against the wood and stone walls, and we who walk here...walk alone."


How much did they pay you for this review?


Yeah, seriously.

This movie was maybe worth a 4 or 5 at best. Trying to compare it to a great movie like the Orphanage is a huge stretch. I too believe this guy is probably connected with the film somehow.

.....Or My Name Ain't Nathan Arizona


Very similar feel to The Changeling and very similar in quality. The cinematography and editing were fantastic. The acting and how the plot rolled out were excellent. The atmosphere (fantastic Halloween feel as well), creepiness and scares were all great. Great directing, writing, and score as well. It really should have hit the major theaters, I think it would have gotten a good following like The Sixth Sense and The Others (though the general public does not like ambiguous endings).


The plot is a shame, guys. The sequence in the begining in the car is like a joke that doens't deserve a laugh. The so-called "catholic partner" is like a 15 years old C.T. firmly believer, not a lawyer at all! It's just too dumb. The acting was really good though and saved the movie for it's 80 minutes.

It's story is an attempt to make some bound between mystic/religion/pseudoscience. But the mess is really about a successful lawyer having his life teared apart by everyone who was "supposed" to help him. The eden picnic at the end and his mother looking sad is like the poppe asking sorry for phedophilies priests and spanish inquisition....
