Tom Arnold

Anyone else think he sounded like he had the flu during filming?

Always remember to wear a helmet when caving, and carry three light sources


i had noticed his voice sounded really off throughout the film as well.
maybe it was allergies or something.



He was severely nasal, to the point where some words were garbled, for sure. I'm guessing the years of cocaine finally caught up to him. If it was allergies or flu..flu doesn't last weeks or months of filming, and if he has severe enough allergies that it garbles his speach, there are decongestants sprays etc that will open you up if you're that congested. I really enjoyed him in this, but that voice thing was irritating, definitely.


Oh my gosh, yes, I noticed that too...he seemed like he was just sick...very apparent in one of his last scenes in the movie...his eyes were watery & his nose definitely stuffed up. He must've been sick!

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!


Sounded more like he had the cocaine during filming.

When you're 17 a cow can seem dangerous and I alone here?
