The importance of commissions

There is a scene where a professional girl "hostess" talks of not wanting to service customers at all anymore because she is so in love with the guy. He asks her if she is still #1 at her club. "You're still number one, aren't you?" He has a financial interest in this. In this industry a person who introduces another into the business gets a commission on all the earnings of the person introduced. This means that hosts have a financial interest in introducing women customers at their club into other like businesses. So a lot of, if not all, the female prostitutes in this doc were introduced to their trade by the hosts, or at least the specific place that they ply their trade. This particular financial situation is key to understanding the personal dynamics going on but is never touched on by the filmmakers, possibly because they never knew of it. The introducer can also serve as a kind of sponsor or consultant for the women.
