It's Never Coming Out.

I doubt this will ever be coming out. It's taking forever.

I'm going to eat your brain! - Doc Block


I've been wondering about this, too. It seems to have fallen off somewhere. I hope they at least put it on DVD sometime soon!



It's on Comcast: On Demand. Liquor & Whores,Bitches!

I Kill Kids!


I couldn't make it through 20 or so minutes of this.

Watch Frontier(s) instead.


All I can remember now is the agony of holding on
and the wonderful feeling of letting go.


Frontier(s) was Bad Ass! Have you seen "Martyrs" '08? It's pretty wild! Check it OOOUUUTTT!!! Liquor & Whores,Bitches!

I Kill Kids!


After having seen this film (lucky for me On Demand under the free movies) I have to say that it NOT coming out would have been much better. I've read posts here talking about how great the story was. What story???? There was no real plot to this film. It was a hodge podge of do nothing scenes with a supposed twist ending tacked on. It was complete and utter crap!!!! I saw it for free and I was still wanting my money back.

Jerry W. Hawkins
