should i rent this ??????

is it worth it ? or is this a rob zombie garbage film ?



wtf.. how am i gonna know if im gonna like the movie without asking ?



hey jinjoba.....take a chill pill you wanker. The guy has a right to ask the opinions of others before he decides to drop his hard earned cash. God knows there's so much trash out there, it doesn't hurt to be cautious. No reason to be an ass.



You should buy it! In fact BUY TWENTY!



There were a number of good user reviews here that are very accurate, from people who obviously paid attention to the movie. Based on what they said, its worth a look. I liked it a lot. Very strong story and good acting.


I just watched it this afternoon and enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. There is some surprizingly good acting here; and some impressive emotion -- as well as violence, blood and some (possibly unintentional) comedy bits too.




I wouldn't rent this and I saw this as someone who unfortunately rented it. If you want to see poor quality low budget horror there are certainly better choices.


Oh God. Oh God, no. Do not watch this. I'm really not sure where anyone is coming from when they say the acting was good -- it was some of the worst I've seen.

‘You want me to spy on something? Look, there's a canal, I spied it.’
