Moscow Vector ??

Any idear if that will be made into a movie? It had several of the same characters.

I'm a Republican, and thats my opinion on this matter.



Moscow Vector is a better story!


I'm a Republican, and thats my opinion on this matter.



Hmmm... What about the Cassandra Compact, the Paris Option, the Altman Code, or the Lazarus Vendetta? If the series is done, they should do it chronologically. The first one was a terrible adaptation. Completely butchered characters and left out crucial elements to the text.


I haven't seen the movie of Hades Factor but I have some serious problems with what I heard about it considering I am a die-hard fan of the whole Covert One series. I mean Rachel Russell??? What happened to Sophia and Randi Russell and if he's already in Covert One which is completely messed up (in the book he didn't even get offered to join Covert One until the end of the Hades Factor)
but that being the case where the hell is Fred Klein?? They oughta redo this closer to the book and yes chronologically.

