Solid, Well Acted Thriller

I just watched it and I thought it was very well done. Stephen Dorff and Mira Sorvino give great performances and it never feels like a campy, DVD movie. I can definitely see why it was a TV series because it was very long, but I managed to finish it in one sitting. While there may not be a whole lot of action that many people were used to seeing Ludlum's Bourne Identity and Supremacy films, I really liked this film because it seemed more believable, not that I don't love the Bourne series, because it's spectacular in it's own right. All in all, if you're looking for a good thriller and have almost three hours to kill on a friday night, or whenever, give this a rent...and stay away from Edison Force, now that's a bad apple that I wish I hadn't swallowed.


Yeah, I actually liked it very much myself. Kinda into these post-9/11 films like Fatwa, Sorry Haters, United 93, WTC. C1:The Hades Factor fit right in there to me. I wouldn't have minded seeing it in theaters.




I like this film too.. :)


I thought it was superb, and very scarey...why are ideas being given out:-(!


Liked it too. It's not very subtle about anything, and definitely takes a few shortcuts (particularly with international travel), but it gave enough information to connect the dots for the finale and to hint at a little extra stuff (like the suicide bomber who seems to want to be caught). Also very tense in the Ludlum "your friends are only slightly less suspect than your enemies" sort of way.

Based on what other people are saying I can probably read the book now and get a whole different experience.
