The Plant Twins/Girl?

okay this has been bugging me ever since, who's the plant twins? I mean we see her in the opening seen too when the trees are coming to earth? (She had blue hair... in the beginning...) and hasn't like a large amount of years (over 100?) passed so what's the deal with that? I don't get it, what's her story? and what's her character name btw? (wondering what she's called...)


She is never really explained, but I did find it interesting she's a plant, but chooses to appear human.

Come to think of it, those druids remained a mystery too. Were they plants, humans, hybrids specially made for the purpose, what?


I think huge chunks of plot or background were cut for budget reasons, it really felt that there should've been more.

Anyways, I got the impression that the forest was a combination of man and plant. I was waiting for them to say that all the people who had survived had combined with the plant experiments over time and become the Forest.


They are called Burui and Zurui and they are the forests way of communicating with the humans


It's the spirit of the forest, they are like dryads. I think it's quite obvious when you watch the scene where Agito gets to become an ent, they bestow the power of the forest on him.

Last watched:


i reckon when you see her at the begging when it shows the incident that she was in the middle of the calamity thus she got this weird transformation
