First impression on this movie...

I watched the trailer and I'm shocked that none of the voice actors sound Southern to me.

The stories are supposed to take place in a rural area in the south and nobody in this movie sounds like they have ever driven down a dirt road before; it's too sterile and not authentic. Well... Wanda may be an exception... but anyways...

I'm offended as a Southerner. My family is mostly from Savannah (the same city where Joel C. Harris worked when he copied the stories he heard) and coastal Carolina where there is a large Gullah community. These stories were born from this area. People down here have a distinct way that we talk and create imagery with our words that flavors the stories but it doesn't come across in this film.

Why is the way that we talk considered ignorant? Why is it considered stereotypical? Apparently everything in the South is "bad" or "backwards".

Sure, I'm aware that not all white people or black people say "ain't", "yonder", "yes'm" but the truth is most people in the South, white and black, still talk 'country'. Why strip that away from our stories? That's what I want to know: Why anti-Southern?
