When white people leave...

black people out of something, its racism.

When blacks leave white people out of something, its "their right"

Go figure


black people have a lot of "rights" like that that white people don't. right to remake films or make series to film conversions with an all black cast instead of the original all white. if white people did that it'd be racist.


Yeah, like imagine if they made an all white version of
"Cabin in the Sky" or "Eubie!"

Seriously, though, is your life so devoid of real difficulty,
pain or aggravation that you have to go burrowing for things
to whine about?


Nothing's wrong with this.
Brer Rabbit is an old African-American folklore.

It was written by Joel Chandler Harris who created these stories as told by ficition 'Uncle Remus.'


You are so right. Blacks are equal to whites: no question there. But so many of them with loud voices want to be above, not equal. I mean, come on people, Miss BLACK America pageant? Why not a WHITE Miss America pageant: never would be allowed. The NAACP? Where's the NAAWP? In high school, there are special scholarships available to BLACKS only. But if you have a scholarship available to whites only, you'll end up in court! Or jail! There was nothing racist about Disney's Song of the South in the first place. The movie was set in the LATE 1860's: AFTER SLAVERY. Those people weren't slaves! Never does it say or insinuate that they were. Uncle Remus could not have packed up to leave freely when he chose if he were a slave: he was a freed slave. Many of them still worked on southern plantations after the Civil War as paid workers. If anything, the original movie showed what great people they were! I have nothing but respect for them. Why is it racist, but Gone With the Wind is the greatest classic ever made? I'm sorry to burst the bubbles of anyone who wants to hide in their own little world pretending history never happened and all the world was always "politically correct", but there was a darker time in our history that can not be ignored, nor can anyone living today be held responsible for the acts of their ancestors. It happened. Live with it, and get over it. If you want to be like everyone else or as good as everyone else, then act like everyone else, and stop trying to create your own "culture". And yeah, I've got a lot of black friends who totally agree. They hate what the loud-mouths are doing to their race. And yes, they are black, not African American: none of them have ever even been to Africa, so they certainly didn't come from there. They were born in America, their parents were born in America, as were they grandparents: they are AMERICAN, PERIOD. I don't give a crap where their ancestors came from: born and raised here: you're AMERICAN. My ancestors came from Europe, but I don't consider myself a European American. The only African Americans I know are a couple of families that moved here in the last 10 years from Africa and worked to become American citizens.
I guess I've said more than enough, but I had to get it off my chest.


Very well said, all of you. You are all right.


I sort of agree with you, we say "colored" where I live. What annoys me is when a colored person misbehaves and you call out the police, and they refuse to act because they're scared about the repercussions from the community, and being called "racist".

I say sort of, because even after a hundred fifty years in many ways they're still catching up from their disadvantaged past.
