Leonardo DiCaprio?

Why is he narrating this film? Actor=environmentalist? I think leo's a good actor, but how about lending the role of narrator to someone with actual credentials?


I agree. environmentalist my ass.. when shooting the film The Beach, they (actors etc) didn't care about the environment.


lol so true


These ignorant comments are so amusing. The guy's been an activist for over a decade, a board member of the NRDC (since I doubt you even know what that is, google it to find out) & a public speaker on the subject many, many times.

Yeah, he doesn't know about this issue. Give me a break, lol.


Yeah, so while being an activist he did lost of scientific experiments to prove all the things he's says about in the film? The films amazingly obvious lack of information of any kind shows how this is not the case. Everything said was opinion stated as fact by people who do truly believe what they know to be true, unfortunately they were lied to by other people who clearly ignored evidence and instead blindly followed those with higher social status (Hence a hollywood star/ex vice president making a movie with dramatic images supposed to scare us into caring) I do care about the world, but why exactly did he have to get to the top of a mountain to do the last shot in the movie? Surely filming it all in a room in his house or even on a green screen would have been far beter for the environment.

I had to laugh at the speakers he got in who were basicly saying "the climate is changing, I can feel it, it's bad and evil" reminds me of the crying indian at the end of waynes world.

also, just because he's talked about a topic for years doesn't make it true or even certify that he knows what he is actualy talking about. It just proves that people will folow him because he's the big shiney status symbol.


"Why is he narrating this film? Actor=environmentalist? I think leo's a good actor, but how about lending the role of narrator to someone with actual credentials?"

How could you miss that? IMDB Poster=completeflippingmorn? And as far as credentials go, what as a narrator?
What are your credentials as a moron? nvm your original post will do nicely...


I'm not saying that leo doesn't care about the environment. what i am saying is that his movie would have never gotten made if he hadn't already been a famous actor. leo is an actor fist, and his fame doesn't warrant him the right to have a movie made. this reminds me a lot of al gore's "an inconvenient truth" which ended up being more about al gore than it was about the global warming. maybe leo drives a hybrid car, but some people have dedicated their whole lives to environmental issues. piggy-backing on fame when it has no relation to the movie's content is an unfair way to get a movie made. it's sad that movie makers think that the only way to get a piece of work recognized is to stick a celebrity in front of it.


If it takes being a celebrity to make documentaries about the subject then what is the problem? No one else seems to be making films about the issue, or if they are they cannot obtain the necessary publicity or pay for the promotion of their films and consequently no body knows about them. More power to the the celebrities I say. Be they actors or politicians. At least they have films out there to get more people thinking about this very important issue. 'Stick a celebrity in front of it' if that is what it takes to get people to pay attention. Time is running out for any meaningful action to be taken!


This is his movie. Are you saying he should give someone else the role of narrator because he's "too famous for it"? I'm glad someone is taking notice of our planet's direction, but equally unhappy that people are judging him for "pretending to be an environmentalist"? He is, but even if he wasn't, depending on whether or not the film is good, he will be able to reach out to a hell of a lot more people than someone who isn't famous.

Don't think this is something he did for money, as he financed the project a lot on his own. If he wanted to make more money he could've easily taken some big blockbuster action role and made $20 million.


Don't judge Leo before you know the facts.
Actor he may be, but he also one of the minority of today's population actually taking notice of the route in which the world is travelling down.
Just cause he's an actor, doesn't mean he can't be an environmentalist too.
Recent reports claim he is intending to buy an island and live self-sufficiently.
Why don't you check up on the facts before judging a person on his career?


I saw this movie today and my impression is that this movie tries to reach out to the public in a more personal way than "An inconvenient truth". That movie was more "ok here's the facts and these are statistics supporting them".
This movie is "Here's the fact and you better accept them or else face the consequenses". Im not saying that wasn't Al Gore's moral to but this movie delivers it in a faster pace and does not fear to show the horrible things that are happening out in the world.

I worked with the church as a "guide" at a confirmation camp and we showed "An inconvenient truth" to the youths there and I think most of them didn't even know who Al Gore is (I live in Sweden). Maybe a more famous person within the entertainment business could connect more to the masses?

What im saying is that this movie wan't to stretch out to the public more personal and Di caprio is more of a public figure to the world than Gore.

That's my opinion of why Di caprio is in this.


You should go to any of Leo's web pages. He is an environmental ACTIVIST. He is among the very few actors whom actually live as green as they preach. He does his part in his daily life (drives a hybrid car, has a solar powered house) as well as trying to get the message out there.



He drives a hybrid car, and has for over five years. And yes, he's been photographed by the 'razzi driving that very car. How curious that he's never been photographed driving a guzzler.

Nice try, kid. Next time come up with something a little more plausible.


I've seen Leo pouring raw sewage into the Pacific ocean with an evil grin on his face and laughing maniacally. He then cut down 18 trees that had baby birds living in them--and he set them on fire! He then proceeded to jump in his M1A1 Abrams tank that only gets 1MPG of jet fuel and ran over a gas station all while spraying CFC infested hair spray out of the tanks main gun up into the ozone! Oh noes!! I do know he recycles though so its all good.

And Leo may not be an environmentalist, but he did sleep at a Holiday Inn once. Leo 4 prez! Hooray! :D


"He drives a hybrid car, and has for over five years."

So what?

Here's a little fact for you.. if you count from the moment a hybrid car is manufactured, until the moment it's put to rest.. it will have utilized more energy then a Hummer.

I'm not saying hybrids aren't great... although there's a lot of room for improvement... but it does not make you Mr. Environmentalist to drive a hybrid. Volunteering to causes makes you one. Honestly caring about the environment makes you one.

I have no clue if Leo cares or not, neither do any of you people. Just thought your comment was crazy, so I figured I had to say something.


Oh yeah, great idea, lets ALL get our own island and become self suf... hold on, thats what we are all doing!

Hybrid cars, another fad for businesses to gain a competative advantage of "hey look, this car will "save the world", if you don't buy it you are evil and you are killing the world. So would you like one?

If you want to reduce your CO2 "footprint" bollox go to your garden, dig a huge watery hole and fill it with algae. Also, stop breathing, quickly before you kill us all with your evil CO2 producing lungs. THINK OF THE CHILDREN!

The world isn't going to end, it's very arrogant of use as a species to think we really have that much power. Like an ant thinking all the digging they are doing could make the world implode.

I'm going to watch the movie, but I'm going to watch it in the same way I just watched some aweful zombie movies, so I can laugh at how bad it is. I think I'll enjoy the zombie movies more though.


My comment was a plain fact; it was hardly crazy.

Driving hybrid cars is only one thing DiCaprio does as an environmentalist.

Try educating yourself about what he does as an activist; that way you won't sound so silly.



First of all, I'm not a kid; I'm probably old enough to be your parent.

Secondly, given the amount of 'razzi who chase the man around, I find it impossible to believe what you say because he has never been photographed in this sort of car.



Y'know, for somebody who has "much bdetter things to do", you certainly seem intent on convincing people that you've seen this.

Well, I'm sorry, but I simply don't buy it. I've seen enough of TMZ and other trash companies' photos to know that the guy does not avoid the 'razzi so often that he'd never get photographed in a Benz.



I really don't get why this is all so important? He is making an important subject widely available to the public, so I say go Leo!

I think that you can't really complain that he doesn't have the right credentials to be narrating this as lets face it, if it were someone less famous would anyone go and see the movie? another movie that this reminds me of is march of the penguins, which noone would probably have went to see had it not been narrated by someone famous!

If having Leo as this films frontman (Producer and writer) makes more little teeny bopper girls and boys start to think about the environment that they live in then to be fair the job is done!

I mean having Attenborough narrate it would have been my first choice, but then he wouldn't have the same appeal to the wider audience, as much as he is the greatest man alive!

I think that Leo has made a great job standing up for what he obviously thiks is an important issue!

planet Bob...




They just use his face, so people without knowledge believe it. Its all propaganda.


Is it really gonna make any sort of difference who narrated the film? The important thing is the message itself.

It's really dissapointing to see after having watched the film people still not caring or being concerned with such trvial crap like 'Why Leo?'. I wish there were more people in the world like Leo, people who could very happily live out the rest of their lives with fame and fortune but instead dedicate their time and money to try and educate people about more important things.

There were so many important points in the film especially about 'consumerism' and how hard it's going to be to break out of this pattern we call every day life.

The saddest part about it all is despite our complete lack of respect and abuse of nature there are people in this world that really want to make a change, but we're so caught up in our own bullcrap that we don't believe them, or we think it's a waste of time, or the systems in place are so corrupt that we're unable to do a damn thing.

Remember that the message of the movie is that humans are running out of time.....not the earth. If you have kids or do actually care about the future I really don't see how you cannot be more concerned. In any case I hope one day there is a world where humans can live in harmony with nature instead of trying to control it.
