
This global warming cause is backed by people interested in multi-national organizations like the U.N. delegating what weaker nations do with their power necessities so they cannot prosper. Ecologically and thus economically rich nations are held back from developing into stronger nations by limiting their industrial emissions, like CO2. It's too bad that the atmosphere is something like .5 percent of greenhouse gases and dead bacteria gives off more CO2 than all the world's industries, not to mention volcanoes, evaporation, etc. I'm pretty sure Gore states that dead leaves cause seasons, too, not the sun's distance from the earth. Absurdity. Please don't talk to me about global warming after it's April 10th and it's snowing and 32 degrees.


This issue isn't about politics. Its about changing weather patterns and Its about concern for the people who are being flooded out of their homes, swept away by an increasing number and strength of tornadoes, people going hungry due to crops failing because of drought and lack of water for many people in the world. Just because you are having a cold day you can't ignore this issue. Maybe it doesn't bother some people but it does a lot of other people. The remaining humans, maybe you belong to some other species!


So you think us changing our ways of emitting CO2 will help us, even though droughts, tornadoes, and storms have been happening since the beginning of the Earth?


Think it is necessary to change the way we live. To take more consideration of the planet we live on and to attempt to live in harmony with nature rather than in conflict. Unless you have had your head in the sand no one can ignore the fact that the 'once in a hundred year storm' or 'flooding' events have been happening at an ever increasing rate. We are in an era of rapid climate change and even if it can't stopped, or at least slowed down, it has to be adapted to if we are to avoid major catastrophe and loss of life. If people are to adapt they must be aware of the seriousness of this problem. The 11th Hour helps with this.


Here is where I get slightly annoyed with the discussion surrounding global warming. We are not living in conflict with nature. Nor have we ever done so. And this is where The 11th Hour excels over An Inconvenient Truth, several of the science dudes in this one clearly state that thinking we are separate from nature is delusional. In the true sense of the word the atomic bomb is as natural as giving birth. Nature is turmoil, survival of the fittest. That is nature. Harmony has nothing to do with it. Harmony is hippie *beep* Procreation, legacy, SURVIVAL on the other hand is not. We are not a guitar made to resonate beautifully with the symphony of the echo system. We are a children that need to stop *beep* in our own porridge.


"dead bacteria gives off more CO2 than all the world's industries, not to mention volcanoes, evaporation,"

Dead bacteria do, volcanos don't (yearly volcanic emissions of CO2 are 1% of the amount of CO2 emitted by human activities), and by evaporation, I assume you mean the emission of CO2 by oceans, which is also true.

However, your assertion totally ignores the other side of the equation, natural carbon sinks, including growing plants, soil organic matter, and oceans (so far, a net carbon sink). It's not the total amount of carbon emissions that we're having such a large impact on, it's the amount of carbon emissions over and above the capacity of Earth to absorb.


Wow, its amazing how many people have drank the Kool-Aid served up by mainstream media and the current administration. Global Warming is in no way a political issue. The idea that you have allowed people to convince you thats the case is maddening! Its not a myth, far from it. Industry has undoubtedly effected the planet. Between the destruction of the forests, which has created more CO2 emmissions and the the pollution caused by factories and cars we have seen a gradual rise in temps. Thats indisputable. That has been verified by numerous top universities and scientists. It seems the only people that are saying its a myth are the people who have a vested interest in whatever industry. Not only all that but if you want to believe its less dangerous because its a natural event, which it isnt, you are nuts! Whether nature has made it so or corporate greed, if the temps rise too much life on this planet will be in great peril.


"Please don't talk to me about global warming after it's April 10th and it's snowing and 32 degrees."

It's absurd statements like these that show how ignorant you are. If anything, that statement supports the arguement for "climate change." Overall, there is a general warming of the planet. But more importantly, the weather is becoming very eratic. That is what is going to cause the biggest problem.


Eco-Imperialsim? Are you just another stupid human? Must be. The only imperialism I see is corporate imperialism which is eating the planet whole. Get a clue *beep*


That is the *beep* thing I've ever heard. Global Warming is more like Global Climate Change, when it's warm it gets really warm, when it gets cold it's freezing. Which in both conditions we humans or most organisms can't survive in. Like they said in the documentry, "We're not saving the environment, we are saving ourselves. Mothernature will still exist when we all die." I don't know what it will take for non-believers to believe. Maybe when drought hits your area or you get wash away by floods then you will believe.

I'm sure natural disaster happens but the increase in floods, droughts, deforestation and carbon emission is happening much too fast. Too fast that the world can not recuperate itself. Since we're the 'elite' organism on planet earth we should be able find ways to cast out some or hopefully most of the destruction that we caused in the first place, "clean up after ourselves."

BTW climate change isn't just effecting the environment itself it's effecing the economy. Inflations, unemployments etc are all linked with Global Climate Change. I don't think the government is to blame, but for individuals to take action and maybe plant a tree, switch light bulbs, take shorter showers or even pick up and recycle a can you see on the street would do the world much good.


Actually, the truth is that the anti-scientific movement supported by the Bush Administration is the one backed by multi-national corporations who simply want to line their own pockets and if it brings about the extinction of mankind, as far as the Bush Administration believes, that's just fine because they expect to be raptured up to Heaven anyway.
