where can i see this?

can you buy it on dvd yet or watch it online?

i don't think it's out in the uk yet :S



I have found it listed in the 'coming soon' movies in the UK on this site http://www.allocine.co.uk/film/agenda_gen_date=15/02/2008.html It says it will be showing at our nearest multiplex so hopefully it will have a fairly wide distribution. Hope this helps


This is being release on DVD on April 8/08 in North America


Excase me, there's a news that Dicarprio will come to my country Hong Kong for promotiom of "The 11th hour". I know it's about enviromental protection, meaningful theme, the time is today. Isn't that true? Haha! His lastest movie I watched was "The Blood diamond".



It's actually on Channel 4 and Channel 4 + 1 right now in the UK.



Will be shown in the UK at Theatr Harlech, Harlech in North Wales on 10th July for one night only.


Don't know whether it will be shown again on C4 but it was great that they showed it last Sunday.



I know it's too late to save our planet from global catastrophe. There's 2 things that out planet will do autometically, It will either blow up from internal overheating like a numclear reactor that needs heavy water to remains regulated (Volcanic activity increasing) or the earth will repair itself via "the day after tomorrow". The severe weather has increased dramatically. I'm in the U.S. and in Reno neveda they have unexplaind earth quakes, Hurricanes in Asia, Massive rains and floods in the Midwest, Heat waves in the east coast closing down schools. And all this is effecting our food supply, as you can see in Australia where they're starting to suffer from food shortages due to drought.

If there's one service I can perform for all of you here in this forum check out www.Thiaoouba.com for the truth and how everything has already been forecasted but superior intellects.
