MovieChat Forums > The 11th Hour (2007) Discussion > Widescale Global COOLING?

Widescale Global COOLING?

If humans caused global warming, temps should still be on the rise. This report proves the Carbon theory wrong. Sorry folks, it's over. Can we focus on a real problem, like plastic?


Suppose it depends who is reporting

"March the warmest on record over world's land surfaces",0,7080646.story

Definitely happening here!


please make links clickable. Cooling/article10866.htm,0 ,7080646.story

Moreover, the SLIGHT cooling trend of the Northern winter of 2008 has been the result of La Nina in the Pacific Ocean.
Show us twenty-plus years of cooling like the warming, I'll be more inclined to accept the idea that Global Warming is a fluke, random event, or natural variability.

Give Blood Today
God Bless!


What is intresting is that this article clames that Texas had its coldest winter this year. Well I live in Texas, one of the coldest reagions of the state. We had one of the warmest winters to date. We had absolutly zero snow fall and the average tepreture was 10 degrees warmer than the norms.

I recently was lucky enough to see a speech on global warming by a woman who won the nobel prize in her research. What people don't seem to realise is that there is a consensus in geo science academia that global warming does exist and humans are causing it. Anytime that you see an article that has a scientest that does not agree with the cinsensus is not a geo scientest and really has no qualifications for makeing such a statement. One of the best parts of the presentation was when she disprooved all the counter arguments against global warming and showed impirical evidence that it is humans that is causeing this catastrophie.

Stop useing oil, save our planet. The world is in our hands it is time to act.


I know it's too late to save our planet from global catastrophe. There's 2 things that our planet will do autometically, It will either blow up from internal overheating like a nuclear reactor that needs heavy water to remain regulated (Volcanic activity increasing) or the earth will repair itself via "the day after tomorrow". The severe weather has increased dramatically. I'm in the U.S. and in Reno neveda they have unexplaind earth quakes, Hurricanes & earth quakes in Asia, Massive rains and floods in the Midwest, Heat waves in the east coast closing down schools. And all this is effecting our food supply, as you can see in Australia where they're starting to suffer from food shortages due to severe drought.

If there's one service I can perform for all of you here in this forum check our for the truth and how everything has already been forecasted but superior intellects.

Know the truth before it's too late
