It doesn't matter

I hear and read people arguing that man-made global warming is a myth and is nothing more than a conspiracy to tax gas, etc...

Even if that were true, does it really matter? Is trying to pollute less really such a bad cause? Would it really be so bad if man-man global warming really was a myth, but we'd learn to use more renewable resources?

Why argue over this? Are you just trying to look smart at the expense of the planet? Or are you actually saying we are not destroying our ecosystem?

If so, open your eyes, look outside.

If not, stop wasting everyone's time. Get out of the way and let us try to fix this mess!


Our commerce based society is standing check-mate. Unfortunately our leaders cannot bump their queen on her side, because that would mean fewer earnings for ALL corporations in the World, and therefore they just wait till nature will bump it over.

Everybody with some knowledge knows it, the human kind is only holding to nature's law for about 7 hours/day, and that's when he/she sleeps.



I totally agree with you ladive. It doesn't matter if CO2 emissions cause global warming or if it's just a natural cycle.

Here are a couple of facts that no one can deny:
1) we are polluting the planet
2) oil is not a renewable resource (eventually it will run out if things don't change)

It's that simple.

If we try to create a more sustainable world it will benefit us all, independent of whether global warming is man-made or not.


and also, the toxic wastes poured into the ocean is killing sea life.

so again, nobody should deny that humans are destroying life and that the destruction is "natural"...

so please, show some sensitivity toward our planet, and quit bitching about how global warming is a hoax. it's really pointless, because there are thing other than global warming that humans are doing to slowly/rapidly deteriorate this planet...i'll prove this to all the un educated skeptics


I know it's too late to save our planet from global catastrophe. There's 2 things that our planet will do autometically, It will either blow up from internal overheating like a nuclear reactor that needs heavy water to remain regulated (Volcanic activity increasing) or the earth will repair itself via "the day after tomorrow". The severe weather has increased dramatically. I'm in the U.S. and in Reno neveda they have unexplaind earth quakes, Hurricanes & earth quakes in Asia, Massive rains and floods in the Midwest, Heat waves in the east coast closing down schools. And all this is effecting our food supply, as you can see in Australia where they're starting to suffer from food shortages due to severe drought.

If there's one service I can perform for all of you here in this forum check our for the truth and how everything has already been forecasted but superior intellects.

Know the truth before it's too late


we will all die before we can ever kill the planet, it will recover, and global warming is partially true and partially just a warming trend that happens every 10k years or so, the planet has a way to fix that as well, when it gets too warm the glaciers start melting and dumping ice in the oceans this cools them down and gives them a much higher fresh water content which makes them freeze easier so more ice=reflected sunlight back into space and less heat, the combination of these 2 events will lead to a massive cooling trend and possbily a mini iceage if a large volcano were to erupt during this process and dump gases into the atmosphere which act like a mirror, this happened over a decade ago and 1 volcanic eruption made the temperature drop in northeastern US and eastern Canada by 9 degrees celcius the next winter, so there are ways for the planet to cool itself, also i believe with a drop in temperature in the oceans it would help certain types of green algae to flourish which would help clean up a large amount of co2 from the atmosphere, so while i do think we are making things worse and probably going to bring on a mini-iceage much sooner than normal, the planet will heal itself, its the human race we have to worry about we will destroy crops and bring on starvation leading to death and disease and civil unrest. So personaly i am not too worried about the planet, but unfortunatley because of greed people will not do anything to change until a major disaster happens that forces us to.
