
I am not a denouncer of this whole global warming fad (although, i must say i dont like that it is becoming a fad; there are concerts and these great get togethers and movements that ironically have a carbon footprint that could squash a large city) but i must say this documentary was quite ridiculous.

it opened up with a slideshow of violence and destruction. most of the explosions and destruction have very little to do with global warming, it was really ridiculous, building were exploding while an edgy post-apocalyptic guitar riff was going in the background, i mean, it was just really ridiculous. then i see speakers who tell me that there is global warming, and i should be afraid. i forgot exactly what the first speakers said, but i was told by an eccentric 30-something year old and then an african american woman dressed in tribal clothing that there is global warming and that they can feel and sense it.

i know i will probably get bombarded, but please, open your eyes to this, this documentary is representative of this whole youth movement imitating the beat movement only instead of being benighted on intellectual knowledge and literature and cinema and such, people take pride in their knowledge of global warming and act better than others because they 'walk and sometimes take the bus'.

again, i am not addressing global warming, i am addressing this film and this ridiculous movement.

these people dont even know what they are doing, if they want to help so badly, why were the parking lots of live earth left as they were?

John R. christy, a member of the IPPC wrote a great article for the wall street journal on global warming, i think you should all google him and that article. it is really true

'Get the rich kids in your sights...and take them down'



Great review, haha, and I agree exactly with what you said regarding dicaprio

'Get the rich kids in your sights...and take them down'


maybe it will make some people think about what is happening to the world... rather than just making snide comments...


Far from being 'hilarious' it will be a film that people look back on and say 'Well, at least someone tried to warn people, too bad not enough people saw the film as it was buried by the idiots that were trying to rubbish it'! At least some one made an effort to get the facts out. Well done Dicaprio!


but that is my point, he dicaprio's film did not 'get the facts out' he just made his mission seem ludicrous, now a film like An Inconvenient Truth 'got the facts out' as he approached the film like a well written essay with an economy of words and facts and did not sacrifice substance for style. He simply addressed the problem, gave the facts, and then told us what we can do. Dicaprio brandishes edgy apocalyptic guitar riffs and short clips of violence and destruction, followed by speakers who arent qualified to speak about the subject, who arent even speaking from objective points of view. I wouldnt even call the 11th hour an ersatz Inconvenient Truth

'Get the rich kids in your sights...and take them down'


Stephen Hawking isn't qualified to posit an opinion on the physical composition of the earth?!?

Dude, hook me up with your supplier. You must have some strong weed on hand if you're that delusional.


Sorry The_Third_Honcho, I couldn't possibly disagree more. How someone can be annoyed by a movement whose sole purpose is really to live a life that is far less damaging to the planet and to the other species we share the planet with is beyond me, then again I am fully aware that there are a lot of people out there that care more about how big of a house they have or how nice of a car they drive then they care about the state of the planet for future generations.

I personally think its great that something regarding the environment is reaching fad status because that is exactly what has to happen for there to be any serious impact. You see I don't look at just global warming by itself. I look at global warming as just a slice of the environmental pie. The fight for global warming is about alot more than just CO2 readings. Its about adopting a more responsible way of living on this planet, a more responsible way of running industry and overall just about having more respect for the planet and the other species we share the planet with.

Its because of people like Leonardo and Al Gore and films like this and an Inconvenient truth that this issue has gotten as big as it has and so many people are now taking a more active role in changing the way we live on this planet. It actually gives me hope that we will be able to change before we end up turning this entire planet into a parking lot. Then I read posts like the one from Third Honcho and I really begin to wonder if we are fooling ourselves because the number of people who simply don't give a rats ass far out numbers the people that do and those people are simply going to offset any real progress the people who do care make.

Its funny, if the people who think Global Warming is real end up being wrong then the worst that comes out of it is a healthier planet, new and improved energy technologies and industry that is far less damaging to our planet. If the anti global warming people end up being wrong it may very well be the end of life as we know it on this planet. Well have set in motion the largest extinction phase in the history of our planet and brought on untold suffering for future generations. Of course the only responsible thing to do is to proceed as if global warming is real until its proven that it isn't true but again more people are concerned with the size of their house and more concerned with how many cool toys they have then they are concerned about the state of our planet for future generations. Its the all too common not in my backyard mentality and I think I know which group The_Third_Honcho falls in.


"Its because of people like Leonardo and Al Gore and films like this and an Inconvenient truth that this issue has gotten as big as it has and so many people are now taking a more active role in changing the way we live on this planet."

Thank you for saying that. Well said.


I thought the speakers were excellent & the movie overall was superior to Gore's. There was a bit much "eye candy" (death, destruction, etc.) but the variety of different professionals (speakers) was great and overall, I'd say the film was visually captivating also even if every disaster shown is not necessarily 100% human caused.


News flash, Honcho: this so-called "fad" has been alive and kicking for 40 years.

No doubt longer than you've been on the planet.

It's hardly a fad, LOL. What a ludicrous comment.


The reality is that this is a mainstream hollywood film and even won't dare touch the real truth: The culture of civilization (especially industrial civilization) is killing the planet.

Global warming isn't even an issue compared to Peak Oil (The end of the affluent American lifestyle, food shortages)and Mass extinction (currently human beings are causing the worst mass extinction in the history of the planet, 200 species per day; refered to as the Holocene extinction event).

This movie shines in the facts they overlook: How modern industrial agricultural practices are making dead zones in our oceans; How our consumption of fish is emptying the life from our oceans at an alarming rate; How every facet of our modern existance requires, and would collapse very quickly without petroleum.

This film miserably fails in it's oversimplified explanation of complex problems and it's assurance that "Technology will save us".

People believe fatuously that everyone on Earth can attain the American Dream. The culture of civilization (empire) requires widespread violence, opression, domestication, and exploitation of the earth and it's inhabitants to persist. The diamonds you bought for your wife were made possible through this paradigm, and so on and so forth. Check out What A Way To Go: Life At The End Of Empire. It's a deeper and far more analytical look at the nature of these complex problems. Read some Derrick Jensen and Daniel Quinn. You'll find all of humankind's problems begin with totalitarian agriculture.
