A more advanced film...

is- What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire

This film is more of the advanced course on these subjects. It clearly states the problems and what led to the rise of these problems while rejecting the notion of the "technofix". The 11th Hour promotes the idea that by greening consumer capitalism, we can save the ecosystems, but the problem is with the culture of civilization itself(a culture of empire). This film is an articulate exploration of the massive challenges or obstacles facing the future of humankind. Very dense, but it's purpose is to strip away the cultural veneer of out industrial, hyper-consumptive civilization by exsposing the unforseen calamities that are approaching.

Unfortunately, IMDB doesn't have an entry for this yet, but I submitted info for it.

A brief synopsis and link to the official site:

A middle class white guy comes to grips with Peak Oil, Climate Change, Mass Extinction,Population Overshoot and the demise of the American Lifestyle.

Featuring interviews with Daniel Quinn, Derrick Jensen, Jerry Mander, Chellis Glendinning, Richard Heinberg, Thomas Berry, William Catton, Ran Prieur and Richard Manning.

What is it doing to us as thoughtful human beings as we face the overwhelming challenges of:

* Peaking fossil fuel flow rates?
* Critically degraded ecosystems?
* A changing climate?
* An exploding global population?
* Teetering global economies?
* An unstable political climate?

And what is it doing to the rest of the life on this planet?



I know it's too late to save our planet from global catastrophe. There's 2 things that out planet will do autometically, It will either blow up from internal overheating like a numclear reactor that needs heavy water to remains regulated (Volcanic activity increasing) or the earth will repair itself via "the day after tomorrow". The severe weather has increased dramatically. I'm in the U.S. and in Reno neveda they have unexplaind earth quakes, Hurricanes in Asia, Massive rains and floods in the Midwest, Heat waves in the east coast closing down schools. And all this is effecting our food supply, as you can see in Australia where they're starting to suffer from food shortages due to drought.

If there's one service I can perform for all of you here in this forum check our www.Thiaoouba.com for the truth and how everything has already been forecasted but superior intellects.


I saw both & thought this was a superior film. I agree the end of 11th Hour seemed a little corny & overly optimistic but What a Way to Go was overly sappy in a different sort of way, preachy & overly dramatic with less real content. The End of Suburbia was a better peakoil movie, in my opinion.


the 11th hour wants everyone to buy green to save the planet's ecosystems for.............drum roll.....................continued human exploitation of the planet. WAWTG has the balls to say, "Well the planet can only support 1 billion humans sustainably, so a die-off IS coming." Thats means for earth to continue to support our species (and all the other species at that) 5 billion people are going to have to die. FACT: 6 billion humans cannot live sedentary lifestyles sustainably, and that's WITHOUT engaging in the mass resource extraction, mass consumption, and mass waste that industrial civilization requires. I ask that you read Derrick Jensen's Endgame. I will check out The End of Suburbia. A friend said it was decent.
