MovieChat Forums > The 11th Hour (2007) Discussion > Piece of propaganda crap

Piece of propaganda crap

This is some of the worst propaganda crap I've ever seen, both visually and as documentation. Its worse than Al Gore.

Leonardo DiCaprio said in an interview, he really wanted to scare the audience. Oh... I'm so scared. Boohoo.. LOL!


"Worser"?!? Kid....if you ever want to be taken seriously, pay attention in your English class & learn proper English. You sound like an idiot.

Clearly you didn't watch this film. I myself expected it to be propaganda, after some of its bashers denounced it. I just finished watching it and was pleasantly surprised to see that it's not propaganda & it's not extremist, either. It's informative, educational & very well done. Unlike your adolescent review of it.

You might want to pay attention in your biology class, as well. That way you'll learn more about how your kids will be living in a severely reduced natural environment because we're too lazy to do simple things like replace what we use of nature.


Nice of you to try ReinaMissy, but this guy doesn't sound like part of the "We Care" sort.

I, too, really found this film to be very informative. How can anyone dispute it? They had authors, scientists, project managers, architects, etc. all telling us the same thing. I think they backed up their film with reliable info. I will definately recommend it to others. Anyone like this guy, I'll just dismiss as a Dorito munching couch potato that wants to live in a state of denial and let the next generaation clean up their mess.

Are you talking?


You sound like a troll... Sorry, but we did not use old East-German books in our biology class. Maybe u did, since the propaganda goes straight into your heart. Informative... educational? LMAO!!


No. A troll would simply insult you without reason.

Your posts are juvenile, void of fact and rather silly.


When you call this one-sided crap educational and talk about biology class, you just prove my OP. Anyone with insight, do not take this "documentary" seriously. Volcanoes, nuclear bombs, Katrina and so on, has nothing to do with anthropogenic climate change. Thats a fact...


This documentary was non-biased, balanced & informative.

What's fact is that your above post is so ridiculous nobody should take you seriously.


Obviously you keep photo of Leo at your night-table. Nothing wrong with that, but it shouldn't keep you away from independent thinking. Go study some real papers, instead of relying on these junk movies :-))


FYI - When someone resorts to the "You only like this movie because so and so is in it" defense, you are out of ammo. Can't you come up with anything better?

And when was the last time you were in school.....perhaps before women got the vote? Actually, global warming, greenhouse gases, O-Zone depletion, and the multitude of other environmental problems were common topics in my middle school classes back in the early '90's. I am now a teacher myself, and these are still COMMON topics of discussion.

Don't be naive. And don't resort to mindless insults. Get an education. Stop living for the argument and get a clue.


Are u teaching science on higher level? If not, read some, and get a clue.


Yes, of course....when all your other stupid posts fail to make any convincing argument, drag out the "ooooooh, she's a groupie!" BS. How pathetic.

Take your own advice & get yourself educated, schnips. You really do sound more like a moron with every post you make.


U say your arguments are convincing?

I didn't call u a groupie... but since you mention it yourself..ok. LOL!


And while you're at it, pay attention in your English class, FFS, instead of trolling chat boards pretending to be a grown up.

Your adolescent spelling is a dead giveaway, kid.


LOL... what a joke :-)))


Yes, you are. Which is why you're going on IGNORE, so I no longer waste my time responding to your nonsense.

Of course, given your adolescent behavior, you'll no doubt post something else so you can get the last word in. Have at it, kid, but don't be surprised when you get no response.

I won't see it 'cause your posts aren't worth it.


Oh... ignore? I'm crying... LOL!

Grow up, read some real science, and come back later :-))


Just wondering, are you trying to be funny? Because you sound like a complete idiot.


Another troll...


actually, i think you're being the troll. probably just some high school idiot who's bored during his computer tech class.

for the sake of argument, you seem to know very little about global warming as a whole and chances are you've probably not seen the film. if you knew anything, you'd be able to recognize the truth that the 11th hour (and any other global warming film) is stating. that global warming is real and it's happening now.

how do you explain the ice caps melting? or the disasters like katrina? have you even payed attention to what's been going on in the past few years.

the truth is this: the human race, in all their stupidity and greed, is slowly destroying the planet. We're using up it's resources, putting trash and toxins into our waters, and over hunting animals like they're always going to be there. THe human race, with it's superiority complex, believes that we are something close to gods and that we have this divine right to decide what survives and what is destroyed.

the worst part? we know what we're doing. scientists know, educators know, the populace knows, everyone knows! and yet we don't quit. we're the cause of a rapidly warming planet and yet, despite the amount of evidence surfacing, we do nothing to stop it. decades and generations from now, our children (in the general sense, not the genetic) are going to look at us as if we were a nation of barbarians.

how many creatures like polar bears are going to have to die before idiots like you realize that we have a problem. it's a cowards way to just ignore it.

Don't Miss the Donut by looking through the hole.
'Save a Shark, Eat a Shark Hunter' - allycoyote
T~O # 488 - R~M


Well you are the troll, when you call me idiot and so on, when you do not know me - or my knowledge.

Truth is that the Antarctic is growing, while Arctic is decreasing. Check for yourself here:

Katrina or any other hurricanes, and their damages, has nothing to do with climate change or global warming, according to NOAA:

Like you, Al Gore postulated same thing about Katrina, but this has also been rejected by a court rule:
"Mr Gore blames Hurricane Katrina and the consequent devastation in New Orleans on global warming, but the judge ruled there was "insufficient evidence to show that"."

Number of polar bears has been growing the past 4-5 decades, and they have survived warmer periods:
They are in danger because of hunting - not climate..

In general, you should stick to science, instead of these kind of crappy propaganda movies. Maybe you'll start thinking for yourself...


Luckily your view is not shared by the majority of the countries in the world who are trying to work towards curbing their emissions and adapting to the changes that are occurring. Am sure with time the US and the few nations holding out will join the rest of the world. The delay will only cause these countries more problems and their standing in the world to suffer. All the military might in the world will not make up for their lack of action as this problem keeps unfolding.


Its not about views, but facts. Emissions won't change the nature, and neither will propaganda.


Guess it all depends on who 'your' expert is. There are many, many scientists who believe that this is a VERY serious problem Have been studying and recording myself for the past twenty years and in my mind there is no doubt. Sorry if some people want to use it for their own political ends but that is the world we live in. BUT this is NOT a political issue, this is an issue that affects our whole species and many more. This film is well worth watching and hope many people take the time to do so.


'VERY' serious is an overstatement.

In fact, only 0.2% of science support Al Gore's fiction, resulting from an examination of newer peer-reviewed scientific papers:
Only 7% gave an explicit endorsement of the "consensus" (IPCC).

Such papers are truly more worth, than this kind of propaganda movies.


As someone who has been working on the land with close proximity to the environment for over twenty years I would rather trust my own observations and records than those of certain interest groups who are well paid to endorse the views of their employers who's interests have nothing to do with the interests of the people as whole but more to do with their pocket books and political agenda. Agree with it or not EVERYONE should see this film. What harm does it do to watch or are you afraid of people being allowed to make up their own minds?


What harm does it do to watch or are you afraid of people being allowed to make up their own minds?

These kind of movies do exactly the opposite; People can't make up their own mind. Do you think this movie is two-sided? Nope... and thats what propaganda is all about. Same sh!t happened during the nazism, the communism and happening now among muslims.

I'm afraid?
I'm open minded, and thats why I watched this documentary. In fact, I watched it after I read an interview with Leo, where he said "I want to scare the audience". And after watching it - and comparing with real science, which I know - I can only conclude; this is propaganda crap.


schnips creates a moronic thread with the sole purpose of trolling this board, and then calls others trolls. LOL

"This year I'm voting Republican. The Democrats left a bad taste in my mouth."
-Monica Lewinsky


I agree.

First, he needs to check this website It it EPA, which I know he will agree is a reliable source. They state that "The release of greenhouse gases and aerosols resulting from human activities are changing the amount of radiation coming into and leaving the atmosphere, likely contributing to changes in climate."

It is true that only about 19% of scientists SURVEYED agree with Gore's film, however, look at our situation. We have an oil hog for a president. What matters is money to these people. When you mess with their bank books, then no, they will not care or support any change. Corporations (Bank of America, DuPont, WalMart, NBC, ect.) are going green for a reason. Of course people whose jobs depend on the production of technology that uses or produces harmful gases and chemicals will only see $$$$$. They don't care about us. They will most likely will be dead before any of this directly affects them, so why should they care, right?


You must think that people are very stupid then. We hear propaganda of one form or another all day long in the media. If we are going to live in a world that is ruled by propaganda then we need to be allowed to hear ALL sides of an argument if you are going to make the right decisions about your life and how to survive it.

I am not afraid of what nature can do to us, I am more afraid of what governments and people in power can do to us as you say. But nature we have to learn to adapt and live with the changes that happen and we can do if we can figure out the truth. At the moment nature is changing very rapidly and we need to be aware of these changes. Nature is different from science I think. Science can help solve our problems but nature has a course of its own and doesn't listen to man. As much as we think we do, we do not control nature although by the way we live we can have an affect on it.


You are so right! This is obscene, ruthless propaganda! They are trying to make us care about the Earth! About our home! Those horrible people..trying to talk some sense into us..trying to increase our ecological and social awareness...they should be ashamed! How dare they! Trying to stop me from polluting the water, the soil and the air! I'll show them air!! (farts)


to the op in response to his response - polar bears have been bouncing off and on the endangered species list every decade or so. there are several films that touch up on animals in the artic. i wouldn't trust everything you read.

and while katrina wasn't caused directly by global warming, in tune to the film, it's just the beginning. the warming of the waters have caused not only bigger hurricanes, but faster ones as well.

and for the most part, our government is in some sort of denial that this is happening as rapidly as it is. it was only recent that the impact of global warming (annd by recently i mean early nineties) has become such a hot topic where it was mentioned and dismissed so many years ago.

the whole point of the movie, whether you believe in global warming or not, was to get you to watch more carefully the things you do. the correct the way you treat the earth. people tend to forget sometimes, that the earth is a living thing, or atleast, is covered with living things. trees, plants, creatures, humans. we're all there and we're all impacted by this is some form or another.

and calling someone an idiot doesn't make them a troll. someone who comes to a message board just to start stuff is a troll. someone who writes stuff just to get people all excited is a troll.

'Save a Shark, Eat a Shark Hunter'
T~O # 488 - R~M


According to NOAA the hurricanes are not to be blamed by global warming, and the fact is that the oceans have been cooling past years.

And btw, having an opinion is not trolling, just because others do not like it. Personal attacks, like calling people idiot, just for the cause of it, is trolling.


What we currently name "technology advance" could be better seen as cyclists going to the finish-line, the finish-line being the end of our planet.

Billions of people are actually addicted at following the advances that are being made to modern CPU's, unfortunatelly those people don't won't to understand that they are addicted at "building to" distinction of our race.

Human kind is driven by only 2 big idiologies, being :

1) Greed.

2) The interest in seeing and understanding the unlimited into it's own lifecycle, meaning we all live with the idea of getting to achieve the ultimate in our own pover 80 years we are here on earth.

We simply don't wanna understand that we our worth nothing, and we are only behaving well when we're sleeping or death.


Ok, I mean I really should just just be ignoring you because you are, to put it mildly, not very bright, but come on man, I would hope you really arent this stupid. With the mountain of scientific evidence supporting it you are saying its a hoax? The only other people I can think of that said it was a hoax were a Christian fundamentalist senator and Sean Hannity. Not good company to be in. Ok, forget it you are a *beep* moron. Die please and soon.


Obviously you do not know science and have been hit by the propaganda too. Your offensive and childish words also prove your level. Live in stupidity, its not a crime...


This has to be one of the dumbest things i've ever seen anyone say! I hope you have kids so that they suffer for your ignorance.


I hope your kids do not suffer by you.


It's all propaganda, unfortunately a lot of the common U.S. people don't have the common sense to realize that after watching a movie like this. Whoever said that everything in a movie had to be factual?


I know it's too late to save our planet from global catastrophe. There's 2 things that our planet will do autometically, It will either blow up from internal overheating like a nuclear reactor that needs heavy water to remain regulated (Volcanic activity increasing) or the earth will repair itself via "the day after tomorrow". The severe weather has increased dramatically. I'm in the U.S. and in Reno neveda they have unexplaind earth quakes, Hurricanes & earth quakes in Asia, Massive rains and floods in the Midwest, Heat waves in the east coast closing down schools. And all this is effecting our food supply, as you can see in Australia where they're starting to suffer from food shortages due to severe drought.

If there's one service I can perform for all of you here in this forum check our for the truth and how everything has already been forecasted but superior intellects.

Know the truth before it's too late


Ah, the old fail safe and sticking your head in the sand. News flash! Just because you refuse to see FACTS, not myths, theories or heresay, but facts about what's happening to the planet and our effect on it, doesn't mean that it's not happening. You can complain about propaganda because you, for whatever reason, fear maybe, refuse to believe it, that's fine, but don't you dare contribute to the problem while you do it.


Just because you refuse to see FACTS, not myths, theories or heresay, but facts about what's happening to the planet and our effect on it, doesn't mean that it's not happening.

You need theories that can be proved, to explain facts. Just by observering something happening, doesn't mean you know why its happening.


Dr James Hanson was talking about climate change in 1988

Thats TWENTY YEARS ago. He is now suggesting that oil firms chief should be put on trial.

How long will it take for certain people to wake up and see how the truth is being kept from us? As the 11th Hour points out its not the planet that is in danger it is us as a species. We can either choose to go extinct or choose to go on living. Its in our hands!


I heard that kind of talking before.... by religious groups that do mass-suicide...


If this is propaganda then to what end? I have not heard leo is running for president or senator or even alderman and the movie was funded by a musician and a poker player from texas so I dont think its political and if the soul purposes of this "propaganda crap" is to make us pollute less why is that a bad thing? As opposed to all the propaganda that has negative outcomes like "there are WMDs in Iraq"?

Why does it always resort to name calling?
