LIZZIE GRUBMAN??????????????

"Today my fabulous publicist Lizzie Grubman is in town from New York City .... "

I nearly fell off othe sofa! How dare they parade this woman at us as if she were just Jane Anybody???

On July 7, 2001, Grubman drove her SUV into a crowd of people outside a nightclub in the Hamptons, injuring 16 people. After being asked by security guards to remove her Mercedes from a fire lane, she backed the vehicle into the crowd and was later charged in a 26-count indictment, for felony crimes including second-degree assault, driving while intoxicated, and reckless endangerment. Grubman had been facing up to eight years in prison, but only served 37 days in jail and received five year's probation after reaching a plea bargain.

The trial garnered widespread media coverage, not because of the particular circumstances of the crash, but because of what Richard Johnson, editor of the New York Post's Page 6, referred to as "the overreaching drama of class warfare." Grubman was alleged to have made an inflammatory statement before striking her victims with her vehicle: "*beep* you, white trash". Later, allegations arose that she received "special treatment" at the hands of police, who did not perform a Breathalyzer test, despite allegations (and later, criminal charges) that she was intoxicated at the time of the incident.

Grubman has claimed that the SUV incident was an accident. An expert hired by the plaintiffs in a civil case against her who reconstructed the accident based on data from the car's "black box" stated that in his view her actions were likely intentional.
She's a princess, the daughter of an ultra-prominent and really scary entertainment lawyers.
The Grubmans, as much as anyone, are responsible for the modern Hamptons, in all their obsession with wealth and celebrity and their thrilling, stupefying social excess. Lizzie's father, Allen Grubman, is a singularity in the music business, the industry's sole superpower attorney. And that clout has made him one of the East End's prime celebrity nexuses.

Grubman is a man of almost cartoonish crudeness -- an effect he amplifies with a comic edge. He revels in his working-class Crown Heights roots, in the fact that he came from so little and has acquired so much. The Grubman family crest, he likes to say, should be an S with two lines drawn through it. He'll happily calculate for casual luncheon guests the burn rate of his Lily Pond Lane mansion: about $40,000 per weekend.
The Power of Grubman: How A Father's Legal Connections Helped Daughter Lizzie And His Realtor Wife; He Called Top Spinmeister After South Hampton Night Spot Incident K=NEWS&STORY=/www/story/07-29-2001/0001543707&EDATE=Jul+29,+20 01

Now the Grubman connections have muscled Goldilocks onto reality TV.


I remember this bitch and that whole incident with the SUV and her doing time in prison (albeit a very short amount of time). When Janice said her name I was thinking, "THE Lizzie Grubman???" What the hell is this convicted felon doing on her show? Janice will boot Kehoe for making a crack about drug use yet she'll associate with convicted felons and media whores like Lizzie? Sickening really.


I'm starting to think Janice is trash. Making Kehoe hitchhike after going all the way out there to a shoot he was booked for? Hitchhiking is dangerous anyplace, but especially in California.


didnt she also have her own reality show too on mtvi was supposed to be like the glam life of being a publicist...and it was a big snooze fest!
