just saw it

So does he still documit his life?What is he doing now?And did him and Tami ever get back togethor? Or did she marry some one else?It was done in 2005 so they might of gotten back togethor!Does he have a website?Sorry for all the questions but i just saw it not the whole thing but most of it!


No they didn't get back together.In fact his ex-wife Tammi sued to have the film held up from being shown on HBO last night but a court denied her request.The couple was divorced back in 2001.She claimed she was told her children would be protected but I think it she had any real concerns she wouldn't have allowed him to film himself with his kids while doung drugs when she wasn't around.Probably one of the reasons she lost in court.Looks like her main reason for a suit was the fact that the makers sold the rights to HBO and she didn't get a cut.She should be suing for child support though and that would be a way of getting a share if he's behind.If not then no.The money's his and his partners.It's not like they made a pile of dough.These types of films end up in schools, colleges and at drug treatment centers not movie theaters with paying customers.


Thanks for your comment. We are very proud of the film and hope that it helps make a difference. The website is www.tvjunkie.tv. Rick can be reached there.


Michael Cain


I recorded it the other night and just watched. I was waiting for my wife to get ready to go to dinner and planned to watch it for a few minutes. Well next thing I know, going out to dinner was put on hold and we are both sitting there glued to the TV.

Powerful stuff and the kind of film that I believe gives a true representation of drug addiction and the effects on a typical family. A lot of these other "reality" addition shows seem to gloss over the entire process. How the addiction is lurking in the background as a casual crutch, builds momentum and then finally overtakes the individual and the people around them.

This film did an excellent job of showing the entire process and in a raw manner in which is truly how these things go down.



Was the entire 3,000 hours watched to assemble this film? And who decided on what to use? Were there any moral boundaries you didn't want to cross here in terms of shooting even more extreme footage? I found the documentary riveting, and could have sat through a longer cut. Hope Rick continues on his sober journey.

And why was he terminated from the second job, that he seemed to be doing well at?
