
I wish he would have went to a small town in the Mid-West or in Idaho. The South has nothing on those rednecks.


So you think that calling someone a 'redneck' makes you any better than a person who disapproves of the gay lifestyle? Calling someone a redneck is no better than someone else calling a gay person a 'fag'. Check your hypocrisy at the door please.

"There's nothing more exhilarating than pointing out the shortcomings of others..."



I think you're 100% wrong. The midwest and south are very similar in their values and I have found more racism and intolerance in cities like Milwaukee and Chicago or even in small towns in Idaho or Missouri than I ever did when I lived in Alabama.

The south gets a bad rap because of old news reels of the Selma march and Bull Connor with fire hoses and dogs in Birmingham. No one ever talks about the things that went on in Boston or the KKK in Indiana and Illinois that were doing the same or worse during that time. New York City is one of the most racist cities I have ever been to but it's called America's Melting Pot. Hogwash.

It's a shame one section of the country gets that label when it still happens everywhere else.


I wonder how many people today realize that the KKK and many Neo-Nazi and other white supremacist movements are headquartered in the Mid-West, NOT the South.


I'm from Indiana and I'm not a *beep* redneck. Yes, the Midwest is worse than someplace like New York, but the South is MUCH MUCH worse than the Midwest. We aren't nearly as backwards and hick-like. So watch it!
