MovieChat Forums > Small Town Gay Bar Discussion > I was interested until Fred Phelps showe...

I was interested until Fred Phelps showed up

Why on earth do people still give these *beep* nutcases any attention. Someone should take out a member of that church and then we can all go protest at their funeral with signs that say "God hates YOU."


Fred Phelps is a nut job.


Bear with me as I say this, I do not approve of Fred Phelps or Westboro Baptist's actions...

I think an unintended consequence of including the Fred Phelps interview was that you actually garner a small amount of sympathy for him (wait for it). I can understand if the park where you meet on Sundays with your family is constantly overrun with people having sex (straight or homosexual) that you'd want to do something about it. According to him, they actually petitioned the city council to do something about it and enforce the codes, but the city was unwilling/unable to do so. Based on that, I don't think putting up signs was such a bad thing to do. Maybe the signs could have said, "people having sex in restrooms" rather than specifically target gays, but that's all hindsight now. It was the public outcry at this after they put up the signs which confuses me. Were the people rallying against them that supportive of public sex that he was the bad guy? Is secretive sex in remote locations that much a part of the gay experience? I'm not saying any of his subsequent actions were ok, but I can at least see his initial (and only his initial) point. Just something I got from watching the film.


I don't know. In the end I don't really think you get enough out of it to merit the fact that in the end, this guy is just getting more publicity (regardless of whether it's good or bad). I don't know HOW unique the stuff he said was and it probably would've been best to never interview him in the first place. But that's just me

Also, wouldn't it be great if there could be a mirror protest wherever they went with the exact opposite signs (though they would look identical) of, say, "God Loves Fags", "God Loves America", "You're Going TO HEAVEN"? Just a silly thought I had as the images flashed across the screen. :D


I think it showed him for what he is. A hypocrite who doesn't know what he's talking about and yes now everyone is going to realize what an *beep* he is.


This family is just awful. Fred Phelps is a know NOTHING idiot. His wife or daughter, the crazy woman, is just as bad. They preach hate and intolerance. When will people learn that hating other people for being different will result in nothing? Isn't that what's great about America, individuality? I thought that's what we were fighting a war about, intolerance. Anywhere else, except maybe Europe, The Phelps family would have been shot and would have disappeared by now. But it's because we give them attention that allows their existence to continue on. I'm an American soldier and when I learned about them protesting soldier's funerals, I wanted to give up. Why fight for a country that allows this? Then I realized that they have the right to protest and free speech. But the problem is this, when is enough, enough? We need to do something. Revolutionize and disband this terrible church. They use the bible to hide behind instead of coming forward for what they really are, terrorists.
