MovieChat Forums > Shrooms (2007) Discussion > Recommend movies good to watch on psyche...

Recommend movies good to watch on psychedelics.

I have been reading a fair amount of people commenting that they like doing psychedelics and watching film; it is a good combination depending on the movie and setting. Shrooms, this movie, is a bad choice simply because it isn't tripped out enough; for me at least...

Lets create a list yeah? I'm really keen to read into what you guys suggest. I suggest the following, you guys add to the list :)

Fantastic Planet (1973) LSD inspired, VERY trippy movie.

Allegro non Troppo (1978) More LSD inspired animation.

Baraka (1992) Under the influence of psilocybin this will change your life.

Phantasm (1979) Ha, watching this on LSA is a total mind-*beep*.

Eraserhead (1977) - Most David Lynch movies are out-of-control as is, but under influence they become less complex and easy to comprehend, surprisingly!


If you've ever tripped, you'd know that watching movies isn't interesting on shrooms...


"If you've ever tripped, you'd know that watching movies isn't interesting on shrooms..."

I agree 100% with this. I always found TV/Movies to be trip vacuums. It's as if they sucked all the psychodelia away. Even 2001:ASO (one of my favorite movies of all time) was just too much of an intrusion into my personal psyche and was a waste of time.

Love the Christian, Hate the Dogma


I'll also agree.. I just want to go outside

Life's a bitch, but god forbid the bitch divorce me


Waking Life
The Dark Crystal


and Where the Wild Things Are. watch it while thinking that the monsters are in a constant state of tripping. it's quite beautiful



Naked Lunch


Last year myself and two friends took shrooms and watched Rango and then Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World. It was a good time.

Worst movie I ever watched was Hollow Man. I was coming down off acid when I watched it for the first time and later that day had a really messed up experience related to that movie, so I just don't like that movie, haha.

"A man chooses. A slave obeys." - Andrew Ryan


To the people saying watching movies is a 'trip vacuum', it really depends what kind of trip you're having...different people have different experiences.

The last time my crew had shrooms we watched Fright Night (the original) and thought it was hilarious because we usually have giddy trips.

If you want typical answers though...Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

"Well...I've seen enough. Come on Charlie, we're going home."


Judge dredd the remake.
Ima do whatever on shrooms man movies and television is enhanced on shrooms but being out doors is nice


Dead Leaves (2004), it's an animated eyeball rape.

"NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!!"


although I agree with the earlier poster (about how if yer trippin you don't wanna watch movies) there are quite a few movies that are fantastic whilst partaking. I would NOT recommend any horror movies (especially if you are a newbie); and have a few for the list:

Pink Floyd-The Wall
The Song Remains The Same
Pink Floyd Live In Pompeii
ANY Cheech and Chong Movie
Airplane or other Zucker/Abrahams movie
Family Guy/South park/Simpsons
Casa Di me Padre (Will Ferrell)
Johnny Dangerously
Harold and Kumar......

let me clarify "horror movie" before yall jump down my throat. I wouldn't watch "Human Centipede" or "Martyrs" or "Feast". However, something like "Alien" or "Cabin In The Woods" might be cool. Bottom line is this, if you haven't seen the movie, or tripped before, I wouldn't try it. Watch something funny or a concert instead. If I watched "Martyrs" for the first time while tripping it would have negatively affected my week.

Son, you can't polish a turd


I can't agree with the above posts. I feel art is totally enhanced by Mushrooms and seems to unlock almost hidden layers of subject matter in films. Some of my favorite films I've watched on 5grams or more...

Apocalypse Now
Dr Phibes
The Shinning
Conan The Barbarian ( personal favorite )
Big Trouble in Little China
And the greatest experience was watching MATANGO. Which if you're a fan of Mushrooms and old Japanese monster films is by far the funnest experience.

Going outside is amazing on psychodelics but for those rainy day afternoons, getting into your favorite chair with your space blanket, a cat and some cold ice water. Time traveling with a favorite film can't be beat.
