MovieChat Forums > Shrooms (2007) Discussion > Who thought the cow stole the show

Who thought the cow stole the show

I vote Yes
They should of made the damn movie about the cow


Yep only good bit in the film!


That part had me laughing pretty hard. I thought that generally the whole movie was good, while the ending was bad. In fact I think the ending darn near ruined the movie.


When the cow showed up i thought the movie would turn out ok.
But it didn't. To be quite honest, the twist was a bit too much and who the frag was the Demon-Guy all the time? All a bit of blondies imagination? Uh,.. no... didn't like it.


The cow was the only one with decent dialogue


I loved the cow!

It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!


Agree about the cow but totally disagree about the ending. The ending made the rest of the lousy movie worth sitting thru.


As an individual who has had a conversation with a cow, I found it to be contrived and completely un-realistic. Cows are stubborn, but hardly ever use the word "fv<k" let alone 3-4 times. And while they might try to keep some one from going in a direction that would get them killed, they wouldn't give a lick, once insults are exchanged. For me personally, I thought that the cow ruined an other-wise masterpiece of a film and distracted from this completely original story, as well as the superb acting by these sure-to-be future A-listers. The cow ruined any hopes for an oscar.


the cow was the only saving grace of this otherwise crapfest movie.

"I need more sex, OK? Before I die I wanna taste everyone in the world."
-Angelina HOlie


I appreciate your input, scrubs8581, however, I'd like to give a little insight here. Perhaps the vulgar language of the cow was intended to illustrate the state of youth today, and furthermore the general downfall of society. While up until recently cows have come across as aloof, with a firm grasp of the English language, I've noticed that more and more, they have taken on the attitudes and some of the speech patterns of the youth of "today".

Therefore, the language used by the cow fit in with the theme of this film, as we have a group of young people "rebelling" fact I believe the main character, the blonde, even said something to that effect in the beginning. The cow wasn't about to use that old-fashioned sort of talk, for he was rebelling, as well. That just further compounded the central idea of this film, and since it was so layered and complex, I feel it was a necessity to underline that theme so that viewers could pick up on it. When looking at it this way, I feel the Academy committed an unforgivable act by not nominating this work of art in ANY categories.

And, as a final note, you are hilarious.


You're thinking way too far into this. The cow represents nothing about society, all it is is a *beep* hallucination from an ingestion of a psilocybin mushroom. That's it, that's all, the end.


Obviously the wit and humour of myself and the OP went way,way,way over your head. As is to be expected here on the imdb message boards. I know you won't understand this, either, however I just don't feel like explaining myself to someone who is so far removed from me intellectually that there is little hope of understanding, on one of our ends.

I never reply to mindless insults, nor do I care to dole them out, so this is the end of this.


haha right because the amount of intellect one has on the internet is relevant to every single facet of their life off the computer.


He/she means to say they were joking. It was all sarcasm, not literal.

•¤ What can the damned really say to the damned? ¤•


you, and OP are the reason I come to imdb, you embody the soul of the purest internet experience, the internet at its best, the romantic ideal!

thank you for the endorphins, 4 years later.


You're right, of course. When I was younger, cows only swore if they were SERIOUSLY p!ssed off but I've noticed that more and more, they're trying to be 'cool'.
I'm hoping that bovines can pull themselves back from the brink but...*sigh*


LMAO, thank you for that

reply the cow!

There are too many mediocre things in life to deal with. Love shouldn't be one of them.


Needs more cow.

Plain and simple.



Completely agree. Only reason this movie got a 3 instead of a 2 from me.


Definitely the most, possibly only, entertaining part.

"Cos none of us were angels and you know I loved you, yeah."


i think between this and the creepy weird bumpkins we got a good fill of fun in this movie. without those scenes this movie would have been quite the bore to watch honestly
