
is this an appropriate, young teen movie? im pretty "sophisticated". i am not a big fan of typical teen movies, i am more into love actually, donnie darko, lost in translation, mumford. you know, stuff like that. but i like fun movies like harrypotter and imagine me and you too. would this movie be good for me to watch? thanks so much!

those who dream by day are more cognizant than those who dream only by night. -Edgar A. Poe


I'd say so, especially if you liked "Imagine Me and You." If your parents let you watch that one then there's no reason you shouldn't be able to see this. It's also a heck of a lot better than the thematically similar "Gray Matters."


Other sophisticated, great romantic comedies:

1) Look Both Ways (found on imdb as well as at
lookbothways dot com dot au (trailer also on video
dot google dot com)

2) amelie



Definitely! You should see this A.S.A.P. and Kissing Jessica Stein as well, which is kind of similar but even better. Stein is one of the very best romantic comedies of all-time, IMO.
