whys the rating so low?

from the trailer i thought the film looked rather cute. but that rating is awfully low. sometimes the ratings are misleading but usually they are right. whats up?


I don't know how they evaluate films on this site, but here's the New York Times review:



I didn't like the film.


I haven't seen it yet but I heard very good things about it from usually harsh critics. I think you'll find that many publicized movies that have gay themes tend to get low ratings. There are well known groups who encourage their members to give bad ratings to movies they deem inappropriate or evil... So I'd say the ratings for this one could be the result of some hate ratings.

Also, many movies that are tagged with lesbian storylines attract pervs who want to see some hot girl on girl action and are disappointed when they realize they are not watching porn...

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Because the idea is funny, but to watch the movie is a bit of torture. No likeable characters, maybe Gretchen is a bit likeable, but not enough. Actually I disliked the main character from the start. The script is not that good, and it's too low budget.


Max, I agree with you 100%. Biggest problem is that the lead is so unlikeable. Never for once did I buy the fact that so many folks (female and male) were that attracted to her. The movie might've worked if Gretchen Mal was the lead character.


Physically, I thought Allegra was attractive, but not so much her personality. Running out of a restaurant in the middle of dinner would be a big turn off without some kind of explanation. The phone conversation with Grace outside the restaurant wasn't very believable, I think. If I had been in Grace's position, I'd have been fed up and just hung up.

Or are we just supposed to think since they all just got out of relationships recently, that they're all rebounding and supposed to make exceptions for them and accept they behaviors as realistic and likable?


I think the rating is about right, I gave it a 6

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