Casting was terrible

The lead actress should have done her homework. She did not convince me she was a lesbian, even saying close to 100 times during the moving (hmm drinking game idea.) Even the straight actress on The L word brought in lesbian coaches to teach them how to act/appear gay. Not to mention how to have lesbian sex scenes. I was really dissappointed. i thought it was a cute story, good script bu the casting completely sucked.


First of all, there were no lesbian sex that what your problem is? The film wasn't exactly gratuitous in this aspect.

Secondly, how exactly is a lesbian supposed to act? It wasn't as if she were supposed to be "butch" or something. She was a normal, attractive woman. One that most would deem a "lipstick" lesbian. She carried herself like any normal woman would. Most gay ppl who don't fit into the categories of "butch" or "queen/flamer" don't "act" gay. You wouldn't know they were until either they told you, or you actually saw them with their lover.

"'re not stupid, I'm just smarter than you."


I agree with the previous reply... how does one 'appear' gay? Is it a look? I thought she did a great job of playing 'Allegra'. I think the whole point of her character was that she wanted to be an individual, not just confined by a stereotype. I think Jeanette Winterson would be proud of her...
