
hi, im doing some research into different generes of film and how they try to show the viewer, they way people are living in war zones.
my question is; Can directors influence the way people perceive how people live in war zones in Iraq/Iran and Afghanistan through different genres?
any feedback would be very much appreciated.
thanks in advance.


I think people's opinions can be heavily influenced by almost any type of media, take Americans for example, many(maybe even most?) of them get their world news via Fox News and other similar channels that will push whatever agenda the small group of powerful leaders require. If they need Americans to feel hate towards an entire religion or race of people,so that they will support attacks on other far off places they know little about other than the agenda driven propaganda and hatemongering they saw on fox news etc,they can make it happen! They already proved many times that by using the media (and/or false flag events) they can make almost anything happen, and happen in such a way that a lot of the American public ends up feeling like the attacks happened because its what THEY wanted!
Films, newspapers, television, advertising, once mastered and controlled can all be used to sway opinions and create feelings in the masses.

Even in this film, as much as i found it interesting, I feel like the creator only showed the bit of Iraq that he wanted to portray, which isnt really wrong or a bad thing, but if somebody who doesnt know much about Iraq watched this film(again,somebody that got all their information about Iraq from fox news for example) they could easily come away thinking that most Iraqi's are badly educated,religious extremists with violent and chaotic lives, which in my experience is FAR from how most Iraqi people are, theyre mostly polite, well mannered and well educated people just like you'd find in America or Europe. In fact in most of Iraq the education system,public services and standards of living were easily on a par with ours in the west,it was only after Saddam was installed by,and started dealing with the Americans and the British that things started to go downhill fast, and now its mostly those normal decent everyday folk that are getting killed,and their whole country is falling apart and on the verge of civil war.
