
I want to see a well made movie about Blackbeard that chronicles his life before he was a pirate up until his death. I think that would be a very entertaining film to watch. Pirates of the Carabien is a silly and dumb movie. I want to see a real pirate movie.


I agree. This show was a great story and would love to see an accurate account of his life on the big screen. Purefoy was great as blackbeard, and would be a good choice for the lead.
I do disagree about "Pirates", though. I find those to alot of fun. Long live Kiera!
Any one know when or if a movie is being made about Blackbeard?


I hope one is well made. I'd like to see a genuine production done on him.



Unfortunately, little is known of Blackbeard before he dabbled in piracy. It's not even known for sure if Edward Teach was his actual name.

"They're driving me CRAZY! These Baptists are stupid. Stupid. STUPID!"


Having just watched this, over in the UK, and strangely enough there was another Blackbeard on Sky this week too, I prefer this production to the other with Angus Macfadyen. At least the accent was authentic LoL :o)
And who really cares that they used out of period weapons, who would ever notice anyway ? after all not everyone is a weapons expert.
Watched as a piece of drama, it made for some entertaining TV
It made you want to be on his side, cheer him on, for him to win.
But alas as much as film makers like to tinker with history, even that would be a stretch too far.

Over all, I would recommend it and give it a BIG THUMBS UP !
