MovieChat Forums > I Shouldn't Be Alive (2005) Discussion > I dont think this counts but heres my st...

I dont think this counts but heres my story.

I kinda got into a little bit of a I shouldn't be alive type situation 2 days ago over at lake elephant buite...we were out there camping and partying pretty heavy, I ended up at the other side of the lake from where our camp was partying with some other campers and afterward I decided to walk back to my camp, it was really dark, about 2.a.m and I could not really see very well (plus pretty drunk) and i decided to go ahead and swim to the area where I thought the camp was since I didn't have any shoes I was just in swim trunks at the time. so I start swimming and I get close the the shore when I noticed pretty much no matter how hard I swim, I'm not getting any closer at all, it was a tide situation, so I try to swim to another part of the shore where the tide is going and the same thing happens when I get close, I cant get any distance behind me. So I go again to another area, same thing happens, but I'm getting pissed at this point and just swim like hell, go all out. I make it but when I get to that shore I'm really tired and just laid down there and ended up falling asleep. I don't know what happened or how I ended up where I did but when I woke up there was nothing around me, no camp sites, nothing. So I walk for a while to try and figure out where the hell I should go. I finally decide which direction I'm gonna go and start walking. The way I went turned out to be just a bunch of heavily graveled ground, I don't have any shoes so its tearing apart my feet. At that point I decide to go ahead and get back into another part of the lake, I swam to the other side which was very exhausting and tiring. I get to the other side after a very long swim and walk up the ridge thinking I'm gonna see camp sites or something, but all I see is just a whole other part of the lake with no campers, totally desolate. I'm tired as hell and don't feel like walking on rocks again, and i'm thinking I've gone so far now I'm just gonna keep going, I'll see somebody, instead of walking (cause my feet were killing me) and instead of swimming all the way to the other side of this new area of the lake, I decided I'm just gonna get in the water and keep to the edge, not much strain on the body, wont hurt my feet any further it will just take a long time but that's ok cause its safe. I do this for about an hour and a half, and I round this corner and see that if I stuck to this plan of keeping to the edge, I'm not gonna get to the other side in something like 6-7 hours. So I start swimming, I get about out to the middle and with some luck found a booey, I held on to it for a while and rested, and then started again I could tell that the tide (well I guess flow of water I know lakes don't really have tides) but the way the flow of water was going was slowing me down but not completely screwing me it was just gonna take a lot longer than it should have. Atleast thats the way it felt to me from my perspective. I finally get over to the other side about 45 to an hour later. And I walk up the ridge and can finally see people and speed boats and jet skis in the water, only catch is, all those people our way on the other side of another part of the lake, I'm still in no mans land and there is no way to walk around the edge or keep to the edge without it taking another 5 hours or maybe longer that was just my guestimation at the time. My feet were killing me since I've been bear footed this whole time and walking on a lot of jagged rocks, skin was killing me cause I don't have a shirt on and its scorching out there. So after yelling at every boat or jet ski that I was praying would hear me fails I start looking around and I see that bout an hour hike is a spot where the land kinda goes into the lake a ways and I'm thinking if i get over there that would be the shortest swim to the other side, it was the best starting point. I say an hour cause its either walk over a bunch of rocks or stick to the edge of the lake and walk on shallow waters,so it was gonna take longer than a person with shoes could make the walk in. I decided to walk on shallow waters, the ridge to get back into the lake was a little steep so I slid down on my butt on a sandy area I found on the ridge and got going just a little fast and ended up flipping over and landing on a rock on the right side of my ribs (I didn't really feel anything at the time but right now my ribs are killing me). It turns out my way to get to the point of land I wanted to was filled with a bunch of rocks in the shallow waters I walked in but I do make it over there. I sit down for a while, the whole time trying to wave down any boat or jet ski I see with no luck. So after I sit for a bit and try to gather my strength I start swimming. I'm swimming for about 30 minutes close to the middle but not quite when finally I see a boat coming that is definitely within screaming distance, they drive by me and actually here me screaming for help, I dont know if I've ever been happier in my life that it was finally over, when they came and got me my arms were so tired that I could not even pull myself on to the back of their boat, 2 of the 3 guys that were on the boat actually had to grab my hands and lift me on there. So they take me on their boat to a marina where they drop me off and get right back out to the lake. I go inside and call my people they don't answer at all, one of the marina employees could tell that I've kinda been through some sh!t and he offers me a free pair of flip flops and a t shirt and a ride back to my camp and as I'm gonna except the marina gets a call from my friend, I guess they had been looking for me for a while and were kinda freaked as to where I was. Were all from outa town over there so when one of your friends goes missing its a pretty big deal you know.....anyway I know my story is probably not as crazy as anything we've seen on this show, and if my story was on this show you guys would be saying "What is he doing, what a fu(king idiot!!" And i'm like that to when I watch the show, but I guess you never know what you would do, or what choices you would make when your in the middle of a difficult situation. I will say it was one of the most trying experiences of my life, if not the most. Right now its 2 days later, and its still very hard to walk without alot of pain rushing threw my feet and the right side of my ribs are throbbing almost every time I move but I'm glad I made it. My friends are fu(kin awesome I know they had to put up with a lot of worrying and searching and what not, I do love those fools. But ya thats my story and I totally get if nobody reads this either its really long and if came upon it on these boards I'd probably skip it myself.


Too difficult to read.


long story short, got lost kinda in the middle of nowhere for a while, no shoes no shirt, walked and swam very long distances, very hard/sharp gravel terrain, very unforgiving currents that would not let me really get anywhere very fast. It was probably a survivable experience (I think, probably could have ended much worse)but it was a very difficult experience none the less, but I did always know that i would make it, wasn't gonna stop until I did. I just knew that It was gonna be a hell of a ride to get there.


I read it all.
Well done. Glad you made it!


Tides in a lake?
