MovieChat Forums > Furry Vengeance (2010) Discussion > Why is it OK for kids' movies to be bad?

Why is it OK for kids' movies to be bad?

Something I've seen, when this film's many detractors (of which I am one, I admit it) take this film to task for its many flaws, the defenders jump up and shout "It's just a kids' movie! It doesn't have to be GOOD!!!"

What's wrong with a GOOD kids movie?

When did all this toilet humor become acceptable? When I was a kid, that sort of thing would have been considered too nasty for kids. Am I just old-fashioned in thinking that's not appropriate? Or even funny? Are we supposed to think that flinging poo around is funny? Is that what we want kids to think?

When did all sorts of blows to the crotch become funny? Again, that wasn't acceptable for kids' movies when I was growing up. So it's funny to watch people writhing in pain? That sort of thing can be seen as sadistic and that what you want your kids to watch?

So it's OK for kids movies to have bad acting, lame dialogue, and nasty, sadistic content? When did toilet humor and kicks to crotch become appropriate for children? What's next? Bugs Bunny taking a dump on Elmer Fudd? Cinderella castrating Prince Charming?

I mean, I wasn't expecting Oscar-calibre stuff (and please, don't bring up that stupid canard of "Must every movie be Academy Awards fodder" which is total BS). I don't want every movie to be a potential Best Picture nominee. But they should at least try to be decent craft. FURRY VENGEANCE, with its overreliance on toilet humor and crotch kicks, was just an example of lazy filmmaking. I don't have anything against comedy but this was just cruddy lowest-of-the-lowbrow crap, and uneven in tone. The violence and humor were on a cartoon level, and yet it tried to be all serious with its family drama and environmental message. Either be all cartoon or cut the cartoonish violence, don't try to be both at once.

So, someone explain to me why kids' films don't have to be good. Can't we do better? Or do we assume kids are dumb and don't deserve quality entertainment? Or are too many people taken in by lowbrow toilet humor that they just don't care and make excuses for it? Have your kids kicked you in the crotch yet?

"Value your education. It's something nobody can ever take away from you." My mom.


Kids don't care what they watch. They do know if a movie is bad or not, though.


Because the target audience, kids, doesn't care if it's bad


Cuz kids are stupid :-P


Kids are ASSUMED to be stupid.

Fixed that for ya.

" . . . and we shall have a magnificent garden party, and you are not invited."
---- Jack Sparrow


It's not really okay for them to be bad, it's just what's funny to kids isn't so much to grown-ups such as slapstick and bathroom jokes.


I don't see any of these "IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE GOOD, ITS A KIDS MOVIE" idiots on the Toy Story 3 board. Why? Cause its a damn good movie, FOR EVERYONE. I'm glad I'm not a kid nowadays.



And the reason that you'd believe this (or any) film is teaching some generalized normative to apply to the actual world is? Is there some reason that you believe that all behavior of all characters in films is being served up as a normative model for people to mimic in the actual world? I just don't know why on Earth you'd think that.


There should be no reason for kids films to be bad, maybe sometimes kids just want fun with no subtexts.

Its that man again!!


I've noticed that most kids movies have toilet humor in them now. I suppose that's what make youngsters readily laugh. There's no harm.
