MovieChat Forums > Furry Vengeance (2010) Discussion > It's a KID movie! CALM DOWN!

It's a KID movie! CALM DOWN!

Geez! Ease up a bit on this film. It's meant to entertain KIDS! I enjoyed it and I'm 26 years old! It's an easy film to grasp and to me- it's great for a child to watch and actually enjoy. I love Brendon F so maybe that helped- but the rest of the cast don't do much for me but I still stand here and think this film is a good one to watch with the kids.


So is toy story and that one is a classic. I seriously believe that people who bring that old "it's a kids movie" argument up are retarded morons that don't know anything about filmmaking. Just because its a kids movie doesn't mean it has to be retarded and badly made with no passion whatsoever. A good kids movie doesn't has to rely on lame poop jokes to make kids laugh. I'm not going to be an *beep* and show my kids a cash grab that will probably make them dumber.

Look, what makes the movies of pixar, disney and Hayao Miyazaki so special, is that they understand that a "kids" movie, should still be watchable for mature audiences. They understand that kids are still people that should be treated with respect which is why they try to deliever a both entertaining and artistic piece of film without the reliance on cheap jokes.
Those are the movies that will be rembered. I do not respect movies that try to make a quick buck and don't try at least to be original. Every film is a film, no matter what genre it is, it should speak to everyone. Furry Revenge is just as much as a movie as Lawrence of Arabia is, which is why it is not a good movie.


Just got around to watching Furry Vengeance, and after reading all the fuss about how bad it is, I was pleasantly surprised. I wasn't expecting it to be a classic, but it WAS very entertaining. Guess I fall into that "retarded moron" category mentioned in a previous post . I think good kids movies are always needed. Kids like sassy animals and (let's face it) they like poop jokes as well .
The majority of the movie-going public knows nothing about film making, myself included. For adults, it was predictable, but kids wouldn't get that. This movie isn't going to dumb kids down. What they have to choose from on TV already does a good job of that.
I don't agree with all the booing and hissing toward this movie. It's good for what it is. Cast and crew should be proud of their efforts. 


You dont know anything about films yet you are on a website for film enthusiasts


Shame on an ignoramus like me for offering an opinion that differs from yours. 😖


Its not that its your opinion and that its different from mine, its how you elaborate your opinion and the fact that you use stupid emojis which gives me the impression that you are a 13 year old girl.


i guess the movie wasn't kind to china men

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification


I find no room on IMDb for people who simply cannot post a comment without being attacked. I have been a film enthusiast for decades. I also enjoy using "stupid emojis" as you call them. I think you're a rude and unhappy person who can't stand someone else's opinion. Your name here *sackofwhine* is quite appropriate for you. You should be ashamed of how you spoke to the other poster. You come off like a pompous ass! Have some of this kind of wine! 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷 Oh no...Emoticons!!!! 

"Make yourself a drink and I'll be down in two shakes of a lamb's tail."🐑
Mia Wallace


I'm not ashamed of anything nor am I a bitter old unhappy man. I'm also not going to take anything back of what I said. If you are on a website like this, where everyone is alowed to state his or her opinion, then you should consider argumenting for your opinion and be prepared for commenters who are not going to be silent when they have the right to write whatever they want.

What do you expect? Flowers and butterflies? Nah man, if I don't agree with you, I'm going to tell you that and if you can't fight back, then you lost the argument. Simple as that.


Yes IMDb is for film enthusiasts BUT nowhere does it state it is for film makers sackofwhine. I find you to be extremely rude to those that do not whole heartedly agree with everything you say. If everyone liked the same films then every film would basically be the same full stop. Yes this isn't a masterpiece and not a great film that will be remembered forever BUT it is light hearted and makes people laugh and basically stupid comedy but at the same time where you mention children it is also getting across about how man is ruining nature and just having a laugh at 'what if' where the animals are getting their own back. Lighten up and just enjoy films, actors etc that is what IMDb is about and letting people know about films. actors and celebs etc and NOT about how to make films. So have a good day and stop criticising others just because they do not have the same likes and dislikes and yourself and maybe get a sense of humour at the same time x


So children's movies should suck, have terrible script, garbage-bin humor etc? Oh ok, sad to see you defend mediocrity for your children!


Kids deserve better than pieces of crap like this, most kids' films are like this nowadays, relying on unfunny slapstick, gross stuff like pee and poop/fart jokes, and sometimes even toss in adult humor to try to appeal to adults but ends up being childish, inappropriate for kids and off-putting.

Older kids' movies like Disney's classics (even modern ones can apply) and even The Care Bears Movie are better, they taught you good messages, even the latter had a great one: no matter how alone you may seem, or how dark and scary the world can be, there is always someone who will love you, care for you and be your friend, you're never truly alone.

This movie doesn't even come close to those standards.
