Hindley portrait

I don't know if this topic has been raised already (sorry if it has), but I was wondering what people's views are on Marcus Harvey's picture of Hindley painted with children's handprints.. it was displayed back in 1997, but it was vandalised so much that it was eventually removed. Here's a link to a picture of it:


Harvey has said “the whole point of the painting is the photograph. That photograph. The iconic power that has come to it as a result of years of obsessive media reproduction.” So he isn't trying to turn her into a cult figure, rather he is focusing on the 'icnonic power' (obviously).
Just wondering if anybody is strongly against it etc. I'm not because he justifies why he did it. My mum is against it. Maybe this is because she was alive when Brady and Hindley's 'Moors Murders' and trial took place and so she was impacted by the media representation of the two.


It was condemned by the gutter press.
The same gutter press who run endless stories about serial killers for financial gain and who made the image so iconic.


I wasn't against it even in the absence of his justification. When I first saw the photo, I thought it was a striking and thoughtful comment on both the nature of the crimes and the coverage they received.


i was totally against it and hated the way people defended it using 'its art' as its excuse,it's easy to brush it off when your not involved personally to the crimes,that whole attitude makes me sick.
no offence to anyone on here just my thoughts.


I don't recall anyone "brushing it off". It is possible to feel deeply for the victims of the crime and yet still see the portrait as art. If you're involved personally somehow, then that's going to be harder for you. Condemning others is so much easier, I guess. No offence meant, of course.

