Anyone else feel this way?

All the girls look like they are very nice and personable and it appears they pretty much all get along. I always think "how the heck did this 1 woman make the team-she isn't friendly or bubbly, never smiles and isn't very personable and (in my opinion)doesn't have the "DCC Look" " and u know who it is? Cassie Trammell. I feel she gets on the team every year bc of nepotism.


Remember the season Lassie made the team with her leg in a csst? LOL




She suffers from bitchy resting face :)


Do people remember when she called out Taylor during a rehearsal? It was like 2012 I think. It was the season with Karissa Lynae I believe. Cassie was so rude! I think a lot of people think she made the team because of who her mother is. She just didn't look or behave like a DCC to me!

John 3:16


yes-I sometimes watch the repeats bc it helps me stick to my diet-then Taylor was called into the office and was scolded for defending herself bc she said what Cassie said was untrue. Man, that girls never smiles....


Which season did she make the team while in a cast? I have seen seasons 3,6,8,9,10. Was it season 4 or 5?


I don't remember her being in a cast but she did have a knee brace on during finals in her last/5th season (I think) which would be season 7.
