Has anyone seen it?

Since the picture was screened in LA last tuesday, I was wondering if anyone who saw it could give us their impressions about the film?


Not very good, the acting is hollow and the story does not have any energy to it. It has a very low quality feel to it, and follows very much the run of the mill stuff coming out of its type at the moment.



Neocons are gone love this movie.
For the ones that "want to believe".
Not as good as the original "THE INQUIRY" with Harry Keitel, which took a more interlectual approach


pretty wooden acting,only decent performance was Max von Sydow as Tiberius..but the costumes were way off,especially the roman uniforms(Bell cuirass armour on common legionaries not just the legates/tribunes etc) + small things that just takes you out of it..
Not to mention the overly religious overtones of the film,wich at points is unbearable and patronizing..
