Oh Dear God!

Man! I'm a great Dolph fan, but if he's making a movie like this, aka the story line, I just hope my dad doesnt find out or I'll have to watch his movies in secret from then on!!


Lmao remember Dolph Is an old man now!


Hey, Dolph will be 50 years old next year; my mother is older than him! And she is... well, not very old at least.


i dont mean old as in cripple, no teeth old, but you cant exactly call him a spring chicken anymore!


this is the worst film Ive ever seen Im sorry
I saw in english though so


So your dad is prejudiced against religion? Not cool.


No my dad is muslim so he believes that christ was never even crusified and the whole story of christ and mary-magdeline, is so complicated I cant even get into that, that he had a wife and offspring, and he also believes that mary was not the mother of god...

If mary is the mother of god, who was the father of god??? But other people say christ was the son of god, if thats the case how the hell is mary the mother of god?!?!


Easy He created the Earth didn't He.That means he could create His son through a virgin birth.It wasn't a bad movie.It was better than most trash put out nowadays.It got the messege out.Even a person like Saul or Roman soldier could come to Him.Oh by the way I'm a Born Again Christian.It's not about religion just haveing Christ in your heart.


im sorry but anyone who believes a virgin birth is possible should b shot, for the sake of all sane ppl...


im sorry but anyone who believes a virgin birth is possible should b shot, for the sake of all sane ppl...

That is SO narrow minded and offensive, I cannot even respond to it. I hope you learn some tolerance and respect for other people at some point in your life.


Intolerance and closed-mindedness once again rearing it's ugly head.


If you DON'T believe a virgin birth is possible then you have to be just about the most ignorant person I have ever met. What? Where have you been for the past 21 years? Have you never heard of in vitro fertilization and embryonic transfer or artificial insemination? Not only is it possible, but births WITHOUT sexual intercourse now number in the thousands and thousands. Wake up and smell the coffee!

Now many people will counter that this new technology was not known to man at the time of Jesus. Well, now, that's EXACTLY right! This is why it was recorded as a MIRACLE and NOT scientific fact. However, man is NOT the brightest bulb (star)in the universe...probably not even on the planet. If you believe that alien life is possible (how could you not) in this VAST universe with countless earth-type planets, and given the age of the universe as compared to the age of humanity, what are the odds that races infinitely more intelligent (and, therefore, more technologically advanced) than man exist?

Look, I know how very small humanity is but do we need to think so small?

Ask your doctor if thinking is right for you


Should be "shot" for having Faith? How old are you? Did your Mommy help you up in your chair so you can play on the computer?

No one is forcing this on you. If you don't want to believe don't watch it. This had to be the most immature statement I have seen in all my years watching this board. What if we attacked the Qur'an the way you do the Bible? I don't think your Father would be pleased. But then we would have to stoop to your closed minded mentality which most people of any faith would not do.



I always found that tradition kind of funny because the crucifixion is about the only thing that is known for sure about Jesus. Every source mentions it, including Paul who wrote within a few decades of his death and dealt with people who knew him. How the tradition of his survival (not resurrection) got started is beyond me.




I can't go into why your dad is wrong (and all the many ways, as a Muslim) but I can tell you that I understand why he rejects Christianity because of all the false teachings in mainstream Christianity. However, TRUE Christianity is the TRUTH and Jesus IS the Messiah and all who DENY Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of the Living God, are Antichrists.

No, the Trinity is one of Satan's many lies and Mary being the mother of God is a lie and there are so many other lies (like sinners being tormented in hell for all eternity) that I couldn't even begin to list them all but know this: Satan deceives the WHOLE WORLD...including the vast majority of those who call themselves Christian! The answers (ALL the answers!) are in the Bible but not everyone will be able to hear and see the truth.

If you truly seek, you will find.

P.S. The deceptive lie of Jesus taking Mary Magdalene as wife and having children was recently made famous in Dan Brown's novels, "The Davinci Code,(that 'knowledge' attributed to the Illuminati). The way that true Christians KNOW this is false is because Jesus is betrothed to His bride the Church and their marriage is yet to take place sometime in the future.

Ask your doctor if thinking is right for you


There is no historical record of anyone named Jesus of Nazareth,its all in the bible and that is not accepted by historians as accurate by a long shot..
Emperor Tiberius was a well documented historical figure featured in this movie.. Pilate(Pilatus) is very narrowly described in a stone etching in Caesar-ea..but no one else doesn't exist outside the bible..

I personally think that Jesus may have existed,but that he is a composite character made out of several Messiah characters traveling around Judea around that time..

The new testament was compiled and edited by the romans themselves in the mid 4th century,they did not include gospels that featured e.g Jesus as a child smithing his fellow playmates on the playground for stealing a toy etc..

That shows the quality of the historical accuracy of the new testament right there..

I grew up in a catholic home,went to catholic school etc..and I were more biased towards Christianity as a child than not..but common sense and a healthy interest of history does lead me to the conclusions mentioned above..

Its just too random and vague and contains too many metaphors (that people sadly take literally) to be taken seriously as true history..


The Bible as a historical narrative is the most accurate and voluminous (and most well-preserved) historical account known to man. There are nearly 25,000 ancient manuscripts (of the NT) discovered and archived so far, at least 5,600 of which are copies and fragments in the original Greek. Some manuscript texts date to the early second and third centuries, with the time between the original autographs and our earliest existing fragment being a remarkably short 40-60 years. Interestingly, this manuscript evidence far surpasses the manuscript reliability of other ancient writings that we trust as authentic every day. Look at these comparisons: Julius Caesar's The Gallic Wars (10 manuscripts remain, with the earliest one dating to 1,000 years after the original autograph); Pliny the Younger's Natural History (7 manuscripts; 750 years elapsed); Thucydides' History (8 manuscripts; 1,300 years elapsed); Herodotus' History (8 manuscripts; 1,350 years elapsed); Plato (7 manuscripts; 1,300 years); and Tacitus' Annals (20 manuscripts; 1,000 years).

In comparison, Homer's "Iliad", the SECOND best-preserved literary work of all antiquity has only 643 manuscripts known to date. In those copies, there are 764 disputed lines of text, as compared to 40 lines in all the New Testament manuscripts. There are no surviving manuscripts of any of William Shakespeare's 37 plays (written in the 1600's)!

Your problem stems from all of the deceptions of the RCC. Drop your Catholic bible (and the Apocrypha), ignore what priests and preachers say and explore some truth for the very first time in a GOOD version like the KJV.

Ask your doctor if thinking is right for you


Great response orinvee with facts. I am Catholic, and do have a Catholic Bible, and a KJV as well. I read both.

And if you read the Qur'an, Torah and Old Testament of the Bible, they are in fact very similar, all having Moses, Abraham, David and the mention of Jesus or a prophet or for Christians, Messiah. The Qur'an and Torah mention Jesus as a prophet although there is no letter J in Hebrew or Aramaic.

Most scholars will agree that the Hebrew name for Jesus is the name spelled yod-shin-vav-ayin. The way it appears in English will depend on the method of transliteration. Some will write Yeshua, others will write Y'shua. These are simply attempts at writing in the English language a word that, when pronounced, will sound like you are reading it in the Hebrew. It has a specific meaning, salvation. Other names that have been suggested have different meanings. For example, Joshua, or Yehoshua, means God saves. However, none describe Him as clearly as Yeshua, which was a popular name back then.

There is no correct Hebrew name for God. He calls Himself, "Asher eh-h'yeh asher." I am that which I am. The tetragrammaton, the four-letter Name that is used in the Scripture, is yod-hey-vav-hey. It has no vowels, and therefor cannot be pronounced. Words like Jehovah are attempts to put vowels into the tetragrammaton. However, there is no "J" in Hebrew, so that cannot be a real Hebrew name.
