When will this be released?

When will this be released?


Yeah, that's what I wonder myself.

Btw, this is an animation, right? And Goodman's the lead, right?




I just learned of the movie via an article in the August, 2006 issue of Rod & Custom magazine (it's June 10 as I write this).

Have you found out anything about theater release or video plans? I'm an 'east coaster' so I'm sure it'll take forever to arrive here!

Thanks, in advance, for any info you may have!


Its not an animation film
but it has several animated sequences in it

I saw it at comic con....

I give it 2 thumbs up


I just saw it tonite at route66 in san bernardino! Awesome Movie! Cant wait for it to be available for purchase!


Saw it tonight. Liked it a lot. It may have been just a tad awkward in its narrative devices, but it was effective in getting its story out. There's some real insight about artistic developments we've lived thru.


according to amazon.com OCT 31, 2006 is the release date


Hey - just wanted to let people know that I have the movie for sale - The release date is Oct 31, 2006. Our price is $20 and this price INCLUDES shipping!
John Wells
[email protected]


I just pre-ordered it from Circuit City's website for 14.99. It'll be released (and subsequently shipped out) on the Oct. 31st, and I'll recieve it by Nov. 5th. Needless to say, i'm stoked and can't wait to check this one out!

Take'em all, take'em all, put'em up against the wall and shoot'em


best buy has it right now


In Canada, it will be released on November 7th.
