What about the Dolphins?

What happened to:

"It's all about living in the ocean
Being wild and free" ?!?!?

Shouldn't this apply to the dolphins in the water park? That is not a healthy environment for them. They were probably "wild and free" before being hunted down so they could be sold to a water park.

It seems that with all the time Cleo has spent with dolphins she would consider this.


You do know that many animals in zoos, marine parks etc. were born in captivity and if released in the wild would die?

This was even brought up by Cleo in the episode where Rikki and Emma accidentally released Ronnie and Cleo's worried about him as he doesn't know anything about hunting for his own food.

"They have to stay. Or else we haven't learned a thing." - Abraham Bernstein


Yes many dolphins are born in captivity, but there is a higher infant death rate in captivity than in the wild. This is caused by stress induced illness as a result of the living conditions.

But my original point was that many dolphins in parks have been captured in the wild. Many of them die while being hunted and many more die soon after being caught. This is happening today. It is a serious issue for anyone who cares about dolphins and Cleo should educate herself about it.

I heard that dolphin shows at marine parks were being phased out in Australia, so maybe it will be addressed in the future.


Zoos and marine parks are a lot better at keeping animals in captivity now adays than years ago. Also the life expectancy of many of these animals is now higher as there isn't the stress of avoiding predataors and finding food that there is in the wild. More and more exhibits are designed like natural exhibits rather than cages. Marine park shows are built around natural behaviors.

I'd also have to ask where you get your info and if you have ever worked or volunteered in such a place. I've spent many years volunterring at a local zoo and speak from the experience of what I've seen there firsthand trhough visits and behind the scenes tours as well as talking with the various keepers. No, its not a marine park but it does still feature wild animals in captivity and they DO have aquatic animals...sea lions, sharks, otters and at one time an amazon river dolphin.

"They have to stay. Or else we haven't learned a thing." - Abraham Bernstein


This is a television show and Mr. Schiff is more concerned with his magical water girls than reality. After two episodes the water park was out of the picture and they were off battling the full moon or scrunching up their noses when Charlotte made an appearance.


It was more than two episodes, I don't know how many exactly. They never quite explained why Cleo's job seems to have changed from feeding the sea creatures to selling ice cream. There is someone that sets up the animals diets and loads the buckets. Why only a "handler" has to feed the animals is a little puzzling.


She was originally only and Ice Cream Vendor and she would sneak in to seed and feed Ronie. But after enough times of her doing that, they promoted her to trainer.


Trainer was good especially since it was something she liked.


i love this show, and grew up going to the original sea world in san diego, california, and marineland. there, i loved best the dolphin petting pool, and would have spent all my time there. but as an adult, ive learned that the animals are not all captive bred, but mostly wild caught, in ways that tear apart the families, injure and kill all but the 'prettiest' dolphins. the rest are butchered and sold to the japanese people to eat, deapite the high murcury content. sea world is their biggest buyer of dolphins, uncaring about the families.

dont believe me? watch 'Blackfish'on netflicks'. watch these vids





http://www.seashepherd.org/news-and-media/2014/01/20/200-bottlenose-do lphins-held-a-fourth-night-in-cove-11-more-dolphins-taken-captive-yest erday-1547

i love 'h2o', and the mermaids swimming with the dolphins and other sea life. but till recently, i didnt know how bad their lives are. and i wonder if the actresses would do the show if they knew the dolphins they swim with would be dead in a few years?

im hurting and confused. there must be some way for the two worlds to be together, without loss of life


"Ooh!Pass the popcorn! This is gonna be good!"


Well, now it is pretty common knowledge that SeaWorld (where Cleo works) is a terrible place for animals but back in 2006 the knowledge wasn't as widely shared. SeaWorld probably either paid for the show or allowed itself for filming to promote its image (a friendly place for sea animals). Even people who are trained to care for animals and study them and read their behaviours and habits to give them proper care have trouble recognising the damage SeaWorld is doing (this is mentioned by multiple SeaWorld trainers in the documentary previously recommended by another user, "Blackfish").
