MovieChat Forums > Falcon Beach Discussion > I know the show is made in Canada but..

I know the show is made in Canada but..

Is that where they are supposed to be? I mean a lot of shows and movies are made in Canadian cities but they say they are in the US, is that the case with this show?

"Who says that murder's not an art?"
-Roxie Hart in "Chicago


Bascially when the show was made it took place in Canada. If you watched the show in Canada (if that's where you live) you'd hear the characters mention Canadian cities and places. But when ABC Family bought the rights to the show they decided to change the cities and places so that the American viewers could understand the show better.

I don't really care. I'm from the U.S. and I've seen the whole season the Canadian way, with the Canadian cities being mentioned and it didn't bother me at all, but watever. And basically what I mean is that when the show airs in Canada, it takes place in Falcon Beach, Manitoba. And when it airs in the U.S. it takes place in Falcon Beach, New Hampshire.

CrookedT4life, you make me smile ;).


So I watched the promo on ABC Family -- "New England town" -- and thought the lake looked HUGE to be in New England (this was before I knew that the show was Canadian). Then, I watched the pilot with Closed Captioning on in addition to listening; there were differences, such as after the boy fell from the water tower, the sherrif's voice *said* "They flew him to Boston" but the CC said "They flew him to Winnipeg" -- the former being U.S.-oriented and teh latter belying the show's Canadian roots. In the scene where Paige rents a boat for the weekend, and tells Jason to keep the change, put it in his tip jar -- $5 -- he throws it in the water and it thunks as if it's coin. In the U.S. we don't have a $5 coin. Little stuff that I think is funny, more than anything...


Canada doesn't have a $5 coin. The government is thinking about making one, but as of right now there is no 5 dollar coin.
We have 1 dollar coins and 2 dollar coins.


In the show they're supposed to be in Canada. Nearly everyone in Canada has a lake cottage and the wealthiest of the wealthy spend their summers at either Falcon Lake or West Hawk Lake. So popular is the area that Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell have their own private island off the coast of the city Kenora which is just nearby.
