MovieChat Forums > Shadow Puppets (2007) Discussion > no. no. no. NOT ALLOWED!

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The title?

anyone recognize it?

It's an Orson Scott Card book - part of the Ender's Game series. It's really sad that they can't come up with their own title. Especially since Ender's Game is now being turned into a film.

sorry, but that just bugs me a bit, as I want OSC to get every bit of credit for his ideas, titles, characters.... you know.





The term "Shadow Puppet" and "Shadow Play" have been around for centuries. A shadow play is an ancient storytelling device in which articulated figures are illuminated onto a screen or wall to give the figures movement and such. Been around a long, long, long time.

I'm a fan of Orson Scott Card as well, but the term and the title were certainly not created by him nor do I believe he meant to suggest that.



I think the title is alluding back to Plato's story of the guy chained in the centre of the cave and (as he's chained and cannot turn his head to look behind him) all he sees are shadows (I tihnk their grotesque shadows or they may by human shadows). And so he thinks the shadows on the wall are reality. Except really the shadows are just shadows of puppets......


Good point about Plato. A lot of recent movies have owed something to "The Cave": The Matrix movies, obviously, and countless supernatural/horror/sf movies in which somebody living an ordinary life finds out that the world as they know it is only a shadow of a much stranger reality. ("Constantine" comes to mind, but it's a popular, enduring theme.)


Lot's of titles get repeated. Silly post lol.


i agree with venomsyke. titles often get repeated.

right on


So do postings in the IMDB forums. They often get repeated.

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Chipping away at a mountain of pop culture trivia,
Darren Dirt.


Yap, often.


So do postings in the IMDB forums. They often get repeated.


That was on purpose right??


Um, yeah, "Shadow Puppets" is something the people in the 'audience' will be doing on the screen to amuse themselves, that's all.

title schmitle.


Dude u act like this is the first time someone has used the same title for a movie. Its not.


Thank you I have to agree with you on that.
