MovieChat Forums > Purple Violets (2009) Discussion > Love the movie, but Donal Logue sucks so...

Love the movie, but Donal Logue sucks so hard in this!

The main reason I think this movie wasn't released is one of the two.

1) The movie is about literay elitism and constantly makes fun of the mass market (the life's too short to think generation). So what distributing company in their right mind would release a movie calling the people who buy it stupid?

2) Donal Logue sucks! He plays a guy fncking named Chazz of all the sh!tty names out there and Logue's attempt at a Bittish accent is horrible. It's so bad. It's not even amusing. You want him to shut up the whole time. He keeps dropping words like rubbish and flat to try to authenticate the accent and it just makes it worse. A bad choice and straight up bad acting to go along with it.

Worst of all Selma Blair does the worst acting I've ever seen her do in her scenes with him. Plus, his character isn't even needed. Burns could have got away with tirming him down to two seconds of screen time and dubbing over the accent or just completely cutting him out.

I'm sure there was a company interested in the film, but demanded that Louge be removed and Burns refused, because their friends or something.

-What are you gonna see?
-Whatever looks good and starts soon.


LOL I thought it was just me. I have seen Donal Logue in other things, so I hesitate to blame this role on him. I think he did the best he could with what he had to work with. He will always be Tom Colton to me, anyway. Overall, I still loved the film. His character was only a little less annoying than that of Bernie's, so I was happy to see both of them fade into the woodwork. Give me more PATRICK!


I saw an interview with Donal Logue and he said that he asked Burns if he could do the character in a British accent. Burns asked him why? He said that he thought that the marriage between his character and Blair's character would be more believeable because women are usually attracted to men with English accents and usually do not question what they say...because they have English accents.


To say the accent was poor would be an understatement, the fact that he asked to do it in that style is mystifying. Did someone tell him he could do a 'cockney' accent?!? I'm English and I've lived in London most of my life and I can honestly say that's the worst attempt at an English accent I've heard since Don Cheadle in Ocean's 11 (and sequels) or Dick Van Dyke in Mary bloody Poppins. My advice, Mr Logue, watch Snatch or Nil By Mouth and hear how the real accent sounds. Or better yet, just use your own sodding voice.

BTW, enjoyed the film despite Logue's shenanigans, cannot understand why it didn't get a wider release.

It would be as pointless as trying to teach a woman the value of a good, forward defensive stroke.


It wasn't the greatest accent, but I kind of got a kick out of the fact that Logue was doing it. You guys should save all the vitriol in these posts for Selma Blair's performance. Yikes!



My main concern was - who in their right mind would marry a grown man who calls himself "Chazz"? Want to marry a pretentious, cheating scuzzbag with mommy issues... There's your man, right there!


the accent was bloody terribow, olroight?

and selma blair is not ugly. olroight?

and i imagine my post will be more inchresting cos I typed it in a british accent, olroight?

now i'm going to make meself a cup a tea and hang out around my texas. olroight?



hahahahaha....I lived with a cousin years ago and he would talk in a British accent and it drove me nuts!!! I do enjoy watching British actors use an American accent though.


I just figured that he was one of those elitist self-centered pricks that probably spent a couple of weeks in England and then went around trying to talk with an accent in order to impress people, and Selma's character fell for it.

I knew a guy just like that, He went to England for 2 weeks and when he came back he had this horrible accent and would tell everyone that he summers in london and winters in California. He even had a bunch of fake Driver licenses and IDs from different countries that would conveniently fall out of his pocket at select moments.


I took it to be an Irish accent. And the fact that Donal Logue is obviously of Irish extraction added to that.

"British accent" does not demand it be one of the English accents, does it?


I definitely thought he was supposed to be Australian. It makes me cringe that he actually asked to do the accent... embarrassing :/


Usually like him, BUT could NOT watch any of his scenes!!
