MovieChat Forums > Solitary (2006) Discussion > From what I've noticed in all seasons so...

From what I've noticed in all seasons so far(not including 4.0)...

- The final 2 always consists of #7.
- All of the winners are guys
- It's always 2 guys in the finals
- A blonde chick is in pod #3 and finishes in 3rd place


It almost ended up being #7 winning all three seasons. People argued and still do argue that Tyler Tongate (7) from season 2 should have been announced the winner since Phu Pham's (8) back touched the mat in the final challenge long before any of them dropped. It would have been very odd if 7 would have won all three seasons and 3 being in third place every time. But yeah I noticed all those facts too, and this is just a personal opinion thing, but every season #3 always ends up being my favorite guest.

