Questions for #7

From all my podmates... thanks for watching.

You are a great and positive group of commenters.

If you want some quick questions about Solitary answered... feel free to contact me.

Check out the article for some more thoughts on my Solitary experience.

Send me a message on my personal myspace account or add me as a friend if you have an account.

(Contestants do not have access to the Pod myspace accounts)

Lastly, checkout the podcasts or watch the 15 min Reality Revealed Interviews with Kennedy.

Take care and God bless,



The link to your myspace doesn't work.


Sorry... I gave the URL for my user window not the generic profile.

Here it is.

Hope to hear from you all and answer any questions.



I think if they were to make a 2nd season, they should bring back the winner of the first season... to see if he can defend his title..against some new people. what do you think of that idea? and would you want to do it again and try to defend your solitary title?
"But where does the meat Go?


Hmmm? sort of a King of the Hill competition or Jeopardy style winner returns!

Would I be willing to do it sure? Would my school/wife like it, maybe... depending on how much time it takes?

As far as Solitary goes, it is official that Solitary 2.0 is returning in AUG '07. In fact, it's in production and you might see a familiar face in some behind the scenes aspect. It's being ramped up for the new contestants!

The most likely scenario for me to enjoy my pod again would be an All-Star Solitary. I'm hoping/thinking top 3 of the first 3 seasons to compete.

The question would be which 3 would you want to back?

Thanks for the question.

Steve AKA The ONLY Solitary Winner... for now


What was the total length of time you were in the pod? It was difficult to get an idea how much time had passed from the moment you guys walked into the pod to the moment you won.


Let's just say it was under 2 weeks, but it definitely felt longer.
Losing 10 lbs and missing your family can do that to you.


Solitary seems like a fairly cool game show. Did you like it?


I loved every moment, even though I was quite uncomfortable. My aunt would watch it at her house and be torn... cheering me on to persevere, but cringing and wanting me to quit because it seemed so torturous.
I smile and chuckle everytime people think that it is so sadistic and terrible. We signed on and although we didn't know everything, we could quit by hitting the red buttton. The TESTS/TREATMENTS were "tested" for safety. Sure as a viewer some might feel a guilty pleasure, but I don't think of Solitary as torture.
Now for this new season, it is more extreme and more intense and more dark.
If you want to read/find out more I will be blogging on my myspace.
Thanks for the question.


Hi Steve.

I think its cool of you to check out the boards and answer questions. I also saw you at TWOP. My question is do you still keep in contact with Mark #5 and what did you think of him when you met him? You seemed like you felt bad about the comments you made about him considering his were so nice but I took it as you being in a competitive mode and doing the trashtalking thing.

Im so glad it wasn't as torturous as it looked on t.v. I felt kind of bad being so caught up in the show because it seemed so sadistic.


Thanks for the comment and question. I just enjoy the fact that people even care to ask/discuss the experience I had on show. I read someone's misconception that us "reality stars" will turn our TV exposure into lucrative deals like $5000 speaking engagements. I was a HS teacher going into Solitary. When I eventually was let of the box and my pod I returned to school the next day. 20 years from now, barring any unforseen circumstances, I will still be teaching at Fairfax High School my alma mater. Therefore, any questions or comments are a blessing to me.

Unfortunately, the only face to face contact Mark and I had occurred during the Reunion show. Even in the first moments, as I exchanged hugs with all of my podmates, I knew everyone felt the same way. We endured something very unique and were just eager to get to know one another directly. It was readily apparent that he didn't have any hard feelings. Yes, I did feel bad based on the way it was presented on screen, but we all knew that in signing onto a reality show we were at the mercy of the editors.

Thank you for being able to see my actions not as just some cruel, mean person. Interestingly, if you are watching S2, I'm wondering why there isn't more "uproar" that others are being "cruel" to JP Number 9, whereas my "taking away" although from "all" was equaled and measured, 3 items from everyone. I guess "my thorn in my flesh" will always being considered the "cruelest one" as documented in Wikipedia.

To make a short answer long, I have asked Mark to come over my house and meet my family on a number of occasions, but due to work issues, he was not able to make it. In fact, Mark is no longer in Cali, but he has an open invite over to my place anytime. Moreover, I have had some of the other castmembers over. Currently, I have the most contact with Pam, Taralee, and Cliff.

Solitary can be grueling and difficult. Solitary is a guilty pleasure, but I filter it through the eyes of a competitor which is why I think I was successful. I spent my energy and focus on seeing the COMPETITION aspect of Solitary as a COMPETIVE Reality Show rather than the REALITY show part. You have to... it's you and a monitor and a computerized voice 24/7! Therefore, any pain that we endure is wrought by our own competive spirit and desire to continue in the game.


Well, Im late coming into the show. I only just started watching it last night thanks to ONDEMAND on my cable system. I kind of stumbled onto it. I watched the entire 8 episodes back to back. I have yet to see the 2nd season but am going to make sure I do. Thanks for checking in. I hope you and Mark do get a chance to hang out some day. Also, your kids are adorable.



Yes, I'd like to just chill with the guy who became my foil.

Yes, I thank God for my kids. Are you getting that from the one picture show in Solitary or my myspace profile?



Well, both. :)


Well my buddy and I are just found out about this show 2 weeks go. we watch both seasons. Congratulations on winning you were a warrior beast out there! LOL, seeing as no one has posted in here for almost a year I don't know if you will see this but here goes.

I often wonder, about little things while watching a show like this so here are my questions.

How much did you actually talk to val? Was what we saw on the show the majority of your interaction with it or did you have longer conversations?

How do the meal bars taste? I really want to try one.

What was the easiest/most surprisingly, simple thing for you?

Do you know know close your pod was to the other contestants?

When you came back to school were you able to tell your students you won?

What was the first thing (besides see family/friends) you did after getting otu of solitary?

Do you have any word/info on season 3.0?

"Cool will get ya dead." -Former NBA Power Forward, Karl Malone


Fortunately for you, I just happened to check this site.

Catch me here for a more timely response and read my blogs on season 2.

As far as some quick answers(knowing that VAL wants me to still keep some secrets) here goes....

There was so much conversations that never made it to airing. We were in the pods 24/7 so talking to Val was a treat for us.

Meal bars were dry pasty nastiness... basically a energy bar that can be found in many health stores!

Here's another link that answers some of those other questions:

Pod schematics was shown on Road to Solitary, but while in the Pod we could deduce it if we thought about it. Sorry so cryptic. Remember, can't ruin all the TV magic!

TOTAL SECRECY upon returen - I couldn't even talk about any part of the experience to my WIFE!

The day I returned, I took the day off of work... drive my own kids to school... took them to Chuckecheese that evening. The next day I went to work. Enjoyed ALL the freedoms/perks... warm showers, junk food at will, TV, internet, HUMAN CONTACT!

Solitary 3.0 should have finished casting soon and will shoot pretty soon after.

Thanks for the questions,

Steve #7


Haha thanks for the response Steve! For some reason I thought you might end up seeing my post sooner than later. Must have been tough to keep total secrecy but kind of fun as well. Knowing you came out on top and how surprised everyone would be when the found out.

"Cool will get ya dead." -Former NBA Power Forward, Karl Malone


For my high school students the surprise came in how "mean" I was in the Take Away Experiment (epi. 1), whereas my friends were shockingly amused at the smack talking I was caught doing at the end in the finale!



I never got the whole cruelty thing. at the time I was watching the show I didn't know what anything was about. I assume you guys didn't have much info either. Although I thought it was funny how you were taking everything away, (especially when they showed that huge list on your face) I didn't think of it as anyone being horrible or cruel. I thought it was good strategy.

If you are playing a game where you are trying to outlast somebody else, why not take away things that would make them more comfortable? I'd be all over taking something away like a guitar. IF I was going to have to sit in a room for who knows how long and be bored out of my mind I wouldn't want to be up against some guy who can be cranking out the album of his lifetime while playing his guitar and having a ball. I thought they would get to have those items the whole time throughout.

Now after I understand how the show works and it is more than a game, things can be viewed differently but I don't see it as being mean or any true indication of someones character. If I am playing a videogame against somebody I may be heartless. I'm trying to win and play the game the right way. Doesn't mean I'm a horrible person.
"Cool will get ya dead." -Former NBA Power Forward, Karl Malone


It was definitely the competitive side in me. As you figured out, outlasting someone would make it easier if they were void of comfort items.

I basically was going to go with either take everything or nothing from everyone. Luckily for Fox Reality my actions spiced up Epi. 1 a little more.

While in the pod, I just knew that I was going to be portrayed in a negative light when VAL said, "Number Seven you were the cruelest..."

Ironically, that incident made me more determined to win! I figured go hard or go home. Ultimately, I viewed Solitary as a game/competition, while others viewed it as a show.

Of course, we all get caught up in character as presented by "REALITY" TV and forget that those are real people in often contrived circumstances shown in snippets, yet taped 24/7.

Anyway, I'm glad you saw the strategy in it as well.

I can tell you this... having those comfort items when we did definitely were a blessing. It was the little bit of control in a situation that provided us no control.


Congrats on your win #7. I recently caught the marathon of this show on Fox Reality and immediatly fell in love with the concept.

So much that I started from Season 1 and are now watching them in order.

I don't really have any questions that haven't already been answered, so I will just say good luck to you and congrats on that stellar win.

The only comment I have is how much better the VAL voice has progressed since Season 1. Having that digitized voice as your only friend for so long would be a blessing and annoying all at the same time.
