MovieChat Forums > Solitary (2006) Discussion > All this punishment... for only $50,000 ...

All this punishment... for only $50,000 ?!?!?

Is the prize in the end really ONLY 50 GRAND?! That has got to be the biggest rip-off and joke, where do they find people to do crap like this for only that much.. should be at least 100k if not more!

Who would be on this show ???



My thoughts exactly. The prize money is not enough. Go on Survivor or Big Brother; the pay
-& conditions- are better.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?" {Jules} Pulp Fiction


I think with Solitary you actually learn much more about yourself. That alone would be worth it for me.


Are you people so shallow and monetarily driven that you think money is the motivation for everything?? This is actually the only reality show that I watch because the people who are there are NOT just there for the money. The whole point of being on this show is that you learn so much more about yourself. You learn how strong you are, and really uncover your true potential. I would love to be on this show, because whether you win or lose, you come away with something that is so much more valuable than money (and lasts a whole lot longer)-an understanding and respect for yourself.


I'd probably go on the show.

I think $50,000 seems a little low, BUT it's not horribly low. And like others have said, you gain much more in self-empowerment and spiritually.

I don't know if I'd win. I'd probably get to the final 3. I'm very, very mentally tough.


I'd like to go on the show, but I know I wouldn't be able to survive, esp. with the spinning challenges. I get dizzy easily, so just spinning more than 10 times on a chair will get me screwed.

Same goes for not being able to eat. Geez!

I can last being alone though.

"Fate only takes you so far. After that, it's up to you."



Well in other reality shows, other people eliminate you. In here you can only eliminate yourself.

^One of the reasons why I like the show so much. As sick and twisted as some of the stuff are, I like that you/your stomach choose your fate; no one else!

"Fate only takes you so far. After that, it's up to you."


i have to agree..i thought the same thing when i started watching it...50 way in heck would i do those things for only 50 grand...granted 50 grand is alot of money...but not for all the stuff they had to endure...sorry not playing that game...


What I thought was funny was on the reunion show and Phu talking about all the things he would do with the $50,000. All I kept thinking was he's probably still living at him with his parents. After taxes, and all the things he wants to do with the money, he won't have anything left.


As mentioned by number 7, the time in Solitary is less than 2 weeks. $50,000 is a fair amount, as opposed to other reality shows where the duration of the show is much longer.


The rational portion of your brain has to be extremely impaired to think about being a contestant on this show for any amount of money. This show is obscene. No, no. This show is torture for the sake of entertainment. The people who designed this show and the people who watch this show are twisted and unethical, but not as emotionally perturbed as the people who desire to be contestants on the show. I'm trying to get in contact with FOX or the production representatives so I can yell at them.


When you get the number, post it.


Good luck with that The Omniscient84 because guess what, like you said people DESIRE to be on this show, for whatever amount of money they stand to gain. Also, the contestants can quit at any time that they want. No one is forcing them to be there or do any of the treatments other then themselves. I have seen quite a few shows where the people just "give up" and refuse to go any further. I think its a really interesting look into the human mind, it shows how much people are willing to do with little reinforcement and with now visual compition.


That's $25,000 per week. And you're guaranteed (even if you don't win) at least $1000 ($500/wk) according to SAG guidelines.

If this show was on ABC or FOX, it would probably be $100,000 for first.

For an easy $50k for less than two weeks of work, I'd give it a shot. It'd be easy as hell and fun.


I gave her my heart . . . and she gave me a pen.



I meant ACTUAL Fox. Not Fox Reality. If it was on a network channel like FOX, it would have more money to offer.


I gave her my heart . . . and she gave me a pen.

